Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Didja Ever?

Didja ever wonder if you were doing it right?

Didja ever wonder WHY?

Didja ever wonder if there were pieces missing?

Didja ever wonder if you were missing "the message"?

... I was just wonderin'...

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Father's Day

This past Sunday was Father's Day - so while the rest of the country was honoring their dads - we were having a regular Sunday dinner - with the exception of a few extra greeting cards and gifts to open.

I did not host extended family this year - just Mr. Wonderful and the kids. It was a PERFECT day. No stress, lots of laughter, good food and a general "happiness in the air". The older we get, the more we appreciate being around our children. They are so diverse, so fun, and when they get together, all they want to do is laugh - IS THERE ANYTHING BETTER??

I always say that we had our kids when we were young, poor and stupid - perhaps we were not so stupid afterall???

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Summer List

OKAY - Summer is here - time for a new list:

For the grill:
Hot Dogs
Homemade Turkery burgers
Skirt Steaks
Yukon Gold Potatoes
Chicken Wings

For the yard:
Umbrella and Picnic Table

For the Deck:
New cushions for the chairs
Plant all the herbs
Strategically placed flower pots

For the Mental Vacation:
Sunrise Margaritas
Ice Cold Beer
Sweet Peach Tea Cocktails
Assorted Bellinis


Bring on the Sunshine!

Wednesday, June 08, 2011

The Reveal

This is what it looked like when we bought the house

The FIRST makeover - 2007

This is the morning after the fire - still so grateful that no one was hurt.

Here it is! The TV is not hung yet, and we need a screeen for the fireplace, but you get the idea!

Tuesday, June 07, 2011


As my little cousin, Edward, is fighting pediatric cancer, our family participated in a fund raiser to support research to help fight this deadly disease.

I love my cousins. I love how they did what they had to do to make this event a success. I love how over 20 cousins showed up to walk on a Sunday morning.

This event raised over $40,000 that morning. I am proud to say that the "Smiles For Edward" Team raised nearly $10,000.

Edward, Mr. Wonderful and Brandy

Lots of Cousins!!


Monday, June 06, 2011

More babies = More blankets!

For "Isabella" - our great-great niece in Colorado

This one is for "Lucinda" in Michigan. This is where Brandy came from.

Thursday, June 02, 2011

"Roll Call"



Sammy - (Bobby's Dog)

Sloane - (Allison's Dog)

Emma (Little Michael's dog), Sammy and Louie waiting for me to come home

Mr. Wonderful and his "entourage" sharing some frosted cheerios