Friday, May 15, 2015

Giving it his best shot

We saw the oncologist this week.  He recommends that we pay attention to Mr. W's quality of life right now.  Making him comfortable should be our top priority.

The chemo is no longer working and his cancer is spreading fast.  Swallowing has become quite a chore these days.  Anyone else would have just given up by now, but my guy is a fighter.  Whereas he eats very little, he makes a valiant attempt each day and I just cook things for him a little longer and a little soupier. 

He seems to have trouble getting enough oxygen into his system, so he uses the supplementary oxygen throughout the day. 

When he is having a good day. I come home to find him dressed and dutifully coiffed with his perfect hair.  When it is not such a good day, I just lay beside him and we pass the time together.

I had a talk with God the other day.  I suggested we do things MY way as clearly, His way was not working for me.  My cousin reminded me that God does not negotiate.  It was worth a shot, anyway.

Each day, no matter how he feels, he still smiles at me and says, "Good morning, Beautiful".  I am blessed to have this man love me so much that he refuses to leave me without a fight.