Thursday, February 29, 2024


 We have 2 granddaughters (ages 5 & 7) that live 1/2 mile from us.  We go there every school/camp  morning to prepare them for their day.   We've been doing this since Covid settled down enough for the kids to go back to school.  I say "we" because He ALWAYS accompanies me, has never missed a day.  

The mornings always run smoothly (on our end) as we each have our tasks to complete.  I make sure they eat enough, dress them and do their hair in an "acceptable" style.  He brushes their teeth, walks the dog and carries their schoolbags.  There are some mornings that we finish early enough that we can do something together (when I can pry them away from the TV).   We have colored, played school, exercised, and had more dance parties than we can count!

When we return home, we generally sit for a while and discuss our morning.  Sometimes, we smile and reminisce about the laughter.  On occasion, we are amazed that it is only 10:00am as it seems as though that morning routine took forever!  We realize that these special times are not going to last ..... they will grow and not need us there.  We are just hoping to leave them with fun memories that will always make them smile.    ( I know I will always remember the girls taking turns combing HIS hair and adorning him with hairbows.   He's a good sport.)

Friday, February 23, 2024

It happened again....

It has been a long time since I've written a heartfelt blog post.  Life has given me more than my share of blessings and heartbreak.  

I met a wonderful man... He was a friend of a mutual friend.   Our first meeting was quite casual, at a small gathering at that friend's house.   At the end of the evening, he walked me to my car, hugged me and said "I'll call you".  

Five days later, he arrived at my home, dressed to kill with flowers in his hand.  Upon greeting me, he put his hand around my waist and kissed me saying, "I've been waiting for days to do that."  We went to dinner and closed the restaurant simply talking.  He brought me home and we continued talking 'til 3am, when I asked him to leave (in the nicest possible way!).

When he arrived for our second date, he took a long time to get to my front door... when he finally came in he said, "I was looking at the yard to see where we will put the garden".  I simply laughed it off.  I'm pretty sure it was the next time he came over and as we were sitting in the living room talking, Allison came home (around midnight) and said, "Are you my new dad?" - He jumped up from his chair, outstreched his arms and exclaimed, "DAUGHTER!" and hugged her.   She proceeded to grill him for 20 minutes and finally said, "You're okay.  I'll make you an sandwich now!" 

We continued to see each other regularly.  He nursed me through 2 knee surgeries.  Then Covid hit.  He brought me groceries so I would never have to venture out.  One time, I had a particularly good week at work and said "I wish we could go out and celebrate!" - but Covid had denied me that .... However, that evening, he showed up in a sports jacket, with flowers in hand saying, "Madam, your date is here to ensure you a wonderful evening" - (Seriously, you can't make this stuff up).

It was so nice for us to become 'returning Catholics' and go to church each week.  We are so grateful for the life we share and found a way to 'give back' by being involved (behind the scenes) at our Parish.   

Yes, we are a couple.  Yes, he's asked me to marry him.  Yes, we have a fabulous vegetable garden and extraordinary flowers.  We are blessed.