Tuesday, May 06, 2014

Praise God!

We are all in "celebration mode".  Mike's Pet Scan came back clear.

Receiving that phone call was like getting a gift from God.  When I told Mike the results, he instinctively raised his head and offered a prayer.  I am not sure I have ever seen him do that before.

I am in awe of the support from our extended family.... We have been truly blessed.

Thursday, May 01, 2014


About 2 weeks ago I told Mike that I had such a nice dream about him.  His response was, "Was I healthy?"

Tomorrow morning my Mr. Wonderful goes for his first follow-up Pet Scan since his surgery.  It is as if he has been holding his breath for the last 4 months waiting for this day.  There are no words I can say to him to ease his anxiety.  I cannot even imagine what must be going through his mind.  Thankfully, we have a very early appointment and we will simply spend the day together afterwards.  He is always in a good frame of mind when we are together.

We will see his doctor next Thursday for results.  It will be a long week....