Monday, November 26, 2007

Let's go to ACE

About 3 weeks ago I purchased a pre-lit, 4 foot, 3 dimensional snowman for our front yard. It is also motorized, as he continually tips his hat. It was simply adorable, and I HAD to have it. I purchased it on-line at a HUGE discount ($10.99 with free shipping). I saw the same snowman at Bed, Bath and Beyond for $58!! I have been staring at the box since it arrived, anticipating the moment after we assembled it and plugged it in.

I FINALLY talked Mr. Wonderful into opening the box this weekend. Much to my dismay, it was a nightmare to assemble. I should have known, as this 4 foot wonder fit into a box no larger than a 24" square! After an hour of grumbling and fumbling with all the lights, we plugged it in - first the motor - it was great, he was tipping his hat at just the right speed. Now the lights - The good news? his hat, head and arms, and lower torso are working just fine. The bad news? His middle area just refuses to work! UGH! - WHY DIDN'T WE PLUG THEM IN PRIOR TO ATTACHING THEM TO THE METAL FRAME??!!?!?!

After reading the insert, which was carefully tucked into the folded bottom of the box, we realized we had 2 options - take off all the lights and send them back to the manufacturer for a replacement set - OR go buy some lights and get it done NOW.

As I mentioned in the past, Mr. W is retired and his definition of NOW is MUCH different than MY definition of NOW. I would have gone to ACE and purchased the lights immediately (my definition of NOW). Mr. W. has reassured me that he will go buy the replacement set of lights real soon (his definition of NOW).

My Holiday spirit is at ACE Hardware - so much for my bargain priced snowman. Hopefully, NOW will happen sooner than later...

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

2007 Holiday Season begins...

It was 'raw to the bone' yesterday. The kind of cold that seeps through to your bones and the air just feels like it wants to drop snow. I guess Winter is making an early appearance this year. Time to drag out all my velvet clothes - I have a penchant for velvet jogging suits. They are warm and soft - AND ALL HAVE ELASTIC WAIST!

It was a perfect evening. Mr. W made a roaring fire and we were graced with a visit from Bobby and Suse (a rare occasion to have them sit upstairs with us instead of hibernating in the downstairs den). A nice beginning to the official start of the 'holiday season'.

I will start to prepare for Thanksgiving Dinner tonight. We will not be hosting it this year. (This is the first Holiday without my lovely granddaughters - I guess I MUST learn to share them.) We are going to Lou and Wendy's house. I offered to bring a couple side dishes (stuffing, potatoes, yams). Bobby is making his 'World Famous' White Sangria. There will only be 8 of us (I remember when that seemed like a crowd!) - we will all do something.

There is much to be thankful for...

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

A Blessing / Mitzvah

When we moved into our home 3 years ago, there was a Mezuzah afixed to the front doorway. Although I am a practicing Catholic (12 years of Catholic School, uniforms and knee socks), I saw no reason to remove it. A blessing from God, is a blessing from God. And so the Mezuzah remained until the demolition began. Mr. Wonderful removed said Mezuzah prior to the removal of the old front doors and we put it safely away.

Upon completion of our new facade, my sister-in-law's mother, Adele presented us with a brand new Mezuzah to replace the old one. This woman is a true role model for all women. She is 81 years old and still works 3 nights a week (she is a RN in a local nursing home). She plays in 3 weekly Mah Jong games (one of which is held at my house - Wednesday is pizza night as the girls arrive promptly at 6:30!). She is an active member of her temple and is present at services every Friday night. She attends weekly bible classes every Saturday morning to better understand the writings contained. What is her secret??? I think I know - she never stopped learning, never stopped living, never stopped doing. Her faith remains strong - even burying her parents, husband and a son did not shatter her belief in God.

Sensing that Mr. Wonderful and I were being put through the wringer by a strange set of circumstances (all the kids seem to have one crisis or another right now), Adele suggested that we 'change our luck' and finally hang our new Mezuzah (which had been sitting on our kitchen counter for a year). Mr. W. gladly afixed it to our front doorway last night.

I am sure that Mezuzah has sacred meaning to many people, but to us it holds a very specific, significant feeling. A feeling that a very special woman has thought enough of us to share her religious beliefs to help to protect us and shield us from all that is evil in this world. Thank you, Adele, for loving us.

Thursday, November 08, 2007

Can I quit?

Had a thought - ran it by a cousin - Is it possible to quit the job of "parent"? - She said no - I'm still thinking about it.

No one told me that the job could get harder as the offspring aged. I was under the impression that it was supposed to get easier! (HA HA HA)

No one told me it would cost as much as it does. I thought the older they got, the more independent/less needy they became.

Someone forgot to mention that they can cause so much marital stress - Thank goodness Mr. Wonderful agrees with me most of the time (or else he would have a different name!)

Doesn't every job have paid holidays and vacations? Then why do mine always COST me so much money??? ...and another thing - I am pretty sure there is no pension plan with this job, either!

I think I might have to dust off my resume - There's got to be better offers out there, somewhere! In the meantime, I will continue to show up for work, everyday - I'll let you know if something better comes along...

Monday, November 05, 2007

A "Comfort" Weekend

This weekend we had the pleasure of attending another cousin's wedding. There were 7 of the original cousins there. The wedding was just wonderful - the bride and groom were glowing.

The real party was the interaction amongst the "cousins". It didn't matter that some of us hadn't seen each other in years. There were no awkward moments. We seemed to cling to each other - soak up each others words. The hugs were real, not merely obligatory. The laughs were genuine belly laughs! The tears were understood, no words necessary.

There will always be parties and gatherings of all sorts; but there is nothing that compares to family getting together to share a happy occasion such as a wedding.

I will look back on this weekend with many mixed emotions. Smiling at the funny times, tearing up at the emotional moments. I am so grateful for the camaraderie we all share.

Thank you "Anonymous" for our special dance.

Thank you, Matriarch, for a most memorable weekend.

Thursday, November 01, 2007


Today was "Take Your Dog to Work" day. The boss was going to be out all day and I decided I could use the company. Louie is wonderful company and a great watch dog - just ask the mailman!