Thursday, October 20, 2011

The Sandwich Generation

We are officialy the "sandwich" generation. We are responsible for the care of our aging parents as well as the care of our children.

Thankfully, our children are all adults - but I did not find the switch to "turn off the worry". Please, if any of you know where it is, send me directions!! I am still amazed at how much we worry about our kids. Did our parents worry about us like this??? I think I am still trying to be "Super-Mom" - be all things to all kids. That job is getting old real fast!

Now, we throw my mother in to the mix. She is the only "grandparent" still alive. She is getting on in years. She lives alone. She has chosen to live in Ridge, or as I like to call it, "Guam". I constantly find myself tossed between spending the weekends with Mr. Wonderful and my kids OR trudging out to Guam.

I have spent my entire married life trying to be a good wife and mother. Now, I am struggling with being a dutiful daughter as well. I want to be a good role model for my kids - but then again, I DO NOT WANT THEM WORRYING ABOUT ME when I am older. There has to be an answer to this puzzle.... I just can't seem to figure this out...