Friday, April 20, 2012

Making Memories

Memories are made all the time. Some are impromptu, others are planned. Both are wonderful.

I visited with my little cousin and her family in early April. An annual event that has now become a 2 day affair. I had the opportunity to bond with each family member - we ate, laughed, talked, played games and loved one another. They made my heart swell.

Last week we went to California for my cousin's wedding. Cousins gathered from all over. We ate, laughed, talked, and perhaps imbibed a little more than we should have. This was a "once in a lifetime event" - so honored to be a part of it.

I have all these memories tucked into my "vault". Life has its ups and downs. When it is UP, I can enjoy the moment. When it is DOWN, I can easily reach into my vault and enjoy the warmth that surrounds me. I am grateful. I am blessed.

Wednesday, April 04, 2012

Some Stresses

I hear young mothers say how they worry about their little ones - and they wonder how long they will have to worry - The answer is: you worry forever!

The Groom decided that it was time for him to buy his much desired motorcycle. He has wanted one for years.... he was still living at home the last time he was close to buying one. We pulled the "not while you are living under our roof" card and got away with it - WHEW!! He bought a dog instead! Sammy, the English Bulldog, continues to live with us. Hmm, perhaps if he bought the motorcycle back then, I would be taking it back and forth to work now..... but I digress!

Oldest son had to be rushed to "Urgent Care" last weekend. He passed out (in our livingroom) and landed on his face. After I "ripped the eyeglasses" from the bloody wound, he needed to have some stitches strategically placed. I complimented the doctor on his stitching technique and offered to remove the stitches when the time comes. Hope to get him to split his fee with me!

Allison arrived in NY the Winter of 2011 only to experience the the WORST Winter in history. She is on her way home from Dallas today - yeterday, Dallas was hit with the worst Tornadoes in their history. Hmmm, I'm sensing a trend...

I think these instances are just God's way of reminding me that HE is in charge and I must never forget it. Easter is Sunday... time for new beginnings once again.

God help the kid who aggravates me first!