Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Am I not living up to YOUR expectations?

As we began this new year and I celebrated my birthday, I was saddened about the people who are no longer a part of my life.  (I am not talking about Mike, as he will NEVER abandon me!  He will always be a part of my life.)

I am talking about the people who have chosen to judge me.  The 'old friend' who claimed that I am not the same person I was.  GUESS WHAT?  I will NEVER be that person again!  How could I be?  That person will never exist again.  I am figuring that this is the same complaint of the others who have decided it is best to keep their distance from me.  

Let me clear up some points for those that are curious:
1.  Widowhood is NOT contagious.
2.  I am single, but I am not a threat.  
3.  I was forever changed when he died.  My life, as I (you) knew it, ceased to exist.
4.  I had to redefine myself and my life.  I had to forget all the future plans that I had in my head and start over.
5.  This happened to ME, NOT YOU.
6.  Lastly, it is ok if you can't handle the new me.  I am a lot stronger now than I used to be.  I am living my new life now.  I did not choose this path, but I am on it. 

I am luckier than a lot of people.  I have met someone wonderful who accepts me just the way I am.  He is not threatened by my independence.  He sees all that is good in me.  He soothes my heart when it is hurting.  He closes his eyes to my shortcomings.  He has accepted me as a package deal and has welcomed my children (and dogs) into his life.  He makes me laugh every single day.

We fell in love.  We have made the conscious decision to "live happily ever after".  We both know how precious life is and we live a good life.  

This may NOT meet your expectations of me.  Obviously, I have higher standards.

Thursday, January 11, 2018

Close the book on 2017

We thoroughly enjoyed the holidays this year.  We hosted some and were guests, as well.  I am a "planner" so there was no 'last minute rush' for anything.  We were able to really visit with everyone instead of being "chief cook and bottle washers".  The days were comfortable and happy (read that: No Drama).  I am just going to call it  "Our First Christmas Miracle".

We have been enjoying the "post-holiday season".  Having no plans and the bonus of a snowstorm that kept us house-bound seems to be what we do best.  You know you are with the right partner when "staying home" is your favorite thing to do.

Our "to-do-list" is very short at this time.  The only thing on it is: RE-CHARGING OUR BATTERIES....... It is taking longer than I thought...... I think our batteries are solar powered.  We need some sun.