Mr. W. and I went for our annual physicals this week. Yes, we do that together, always have, always will. We've been seeing the same family doctor for over 20 years!! There is something comforting about growing old with your doctor!! He still does things the old fashioned way. He examines us both in the same room, at the same time - a real family outing!!
Well, after the EKG's, the breathing tests, urine tests and blood work-ups, I am happy to say we are fine except for one minor glitch. MY FREAKIN' CHOLESTEROL HAS JUMPED TO 307!!! Mr. W. eats the same things I do (and he supplements his diet with vanilla ice cream and sugar wafers on a daily basis!!)
Damn, those Para-martyrs - they've slipped those bad cholesterol genes to me while my back was turned!!!
I had oatmeal for dinner last night. Mr. Wonderful had fried chicken cutlets and fried mozzarella... (misery loves company).