I've been falling all my life, haven't broken a bone yet - I guess instead of making fun of me all these years, she should have been paying attention to HOW TO FALL CORRECTLY!!
Some noteworthy happenings in the life of a middle-age (if I live to be 100)wife, mother, mother-in-law, and grandmother.
I have decided to call my new beau Prince Charming. In a way, he has rescued me from myself. As we all know, I was very fortunate to have...
Give Aunt Ellen our best...do you have an address for her?
Ditto from Stephen, Rita and family....send the address, please.
I think the address is
3301 Le Spaz Blvd
Lake Miserable, NY 66666
Or you can call her @
1 888 R U KIDDING ME???
Seriously, some people will do anything for attention!
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