Saturday, June 28, 2014

Holding our breath once again....

After radiation therapy, Mike had numerous sores in his mouth.  This was expected and we were not worried.  His last treatment was early January.  In the beginning of March, he still had some persistent sores in his mouth, but the doctors were not alarmed.  Again, they expected this and gave him some anti-fungal medication (for thrush) to help ease the discomfort.  By the end of May, he still had one large sore on the bottom of his tongue.  He was in constant pain and eating was becoming such a painful chore.

We went to an ENT as he was losing hearing in his right ear as well.  Thankfully, he was confident he would be able to help his ear with antibiotics and the also gave him some anti-viral cream for his tongue as well.  He was sure that when we returned for our follow up visit, all would be cleared.  Well, his hearing returned, but his tongue was no better.  We were sent to an Oral Surgeon for a biopsy.  Results came back this week.  It is CANCER.

We are off to Sloan Kettering on Monday.  He will see the surgeon and have a CT Scan of his head and neck to see if any lymph nodes are involved.  At this time, all we know is that he needs surgery.  Hoping to have more answers by Monday afternoon.

The Internet has been a wealth of information, but at the same time, has given me a very realistic view of all the possible outcomes.

Although we are scared, I reminded Mike that we have been to Hell and back so many times, we could give guided tours.  We are about to head back in there, but as long as we are together, I am sure we will find our way out once again.

I am telling everyone I know about Mike's condition.  I believe in the power of prayer.  Please join us as we pray.

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