Thursday, April 21, 2016


It's been  a rough week..... I must stop looking at the calendar.    We are approaching 11 months...

I am not sure when I became such a "needy bitch", but apparently, this is just another stage of widowhood - HATE IT!!!

The almighty sons  were at my beckon call this past weekend.  They did many little chores around the house.... things I never thought about, but they were surely paying attention when their dad did them.  Watching those two work together makes me laugh and cry.  They are incredible men, but I still see them as 8 and 6 yrs old.  They changed my outdoor light bulbs and cleaned gutters - neither of them relishing the idea of climbing a 20 foot ladder..  Hearing them discuss who was going on the roof was especially sweet.  They recalled the times their Dad pushed them out a window at Grandpa's house to clean his gutters.  WHAT WAS HE THINKING???  LOL!!

As I said, it's been a teary week - and each afternoon I seemed to have a crazy mishap that nearly put me over the edge:

Monday - the high-hat over my front window died.  Called the son.  (in my defense, they are in the process of changing all the lights to LED - I had NO idea what I needed to get to replace that bulb)

Tuesday - went for a pedicure - could not find my car key.  Called the son.  After he arrived with a spare key, they found my key - IN A POTTED PLANT IN THE FRONT OF THE SALON!!!  (The son still gets credit for coming, with a smile)

Wednesday - came home to find a stray cat trapped in the garage and one of my kitchen cabinet doors hanging askew.  Called the son.  Cat set free, door temporarily fixed (permanent fix this weekend). Had dinner with the son and son-in-law....

I am sure Mike is smiling down at his boys.  He was an incredible role model for them.  There is nothing they won't attempt to fix - and they are successful all the time!  They are so attentive to me... such a blessing.  I am hoping I am just "going through a stage" and I will grow out of this neediness.  In the meantime, I am just looking at this as payback for me not killing them when they were teens!

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