Monday, July 02, 2018

"cousins - loosely described"

We just returned from a "family" party in Jersey.  My cousins have hosted this party for the past 13 years - (other cousins, myself included, have taken turns hosting it years prior).  There can be up to 100 or more people in the yard at any given time.  This year, it was rather small - just 60 of us.  A nice portion of the group have shared DNA - the others married into the family or are good friends who have become family throughout the years.

We brought Jamie with us this year.  It was so nice introducing her to all her "cousins" - yes, we are all cousins.  The Prince once commented that he has second and third cousins and he just refers to them as "friends".   That will ALWAYS make me laugh.  In my family, if you show up for 3 consecutive events, you are a COUSIN.  And if you miss 3 consecutive events, we will complain about your absence,  but you will still be our cousin.

There is a strong bond amongst us; one set of shared grandparents.  All those Sunday dinners at Grandma's house... the good food, hugs and laughter, the comfort of being surrounded by so much love.  My cousins may miss a family party now and then.... but I can't think of any who opted to miss a wedding or a funeral.

Who wouldn't want to be our cousin??

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