I am so blessed to live less than a mile from my little granddaughters. They are on the verge of turning 3 and 5. I am so lucky to have such an active role in their lives.
Each morning, we eagerly head there to get them dressed, feed them breakfast and get them off to “school”. I am not just a “grandma”, I am helping to raise them. I am not someone they “visit” once in a while… I get to comb their hair and watch them brush their teeth. I sing songs with them every morning , always with an ulterior motive… The Alphabet, Days of the week, Months of the year, Please and Thank you….
I applaud their milestones - no matter how insignificant they may appear on the surface. I wipe their tears, laugh with them and send them to time-out when necessary. I sometimes giggle to myself during the day when I recall something funny that happened that morning. They are smart, strong-willed, beautiful individuals. I THINK my kids were, too - but I was too busy being a “Mom” to notice.
I love that they LOVE to come to my house. They have a bedroom to call their own. It is filled with toys and books, a piano and a kitchen! There is a drawer in my kitchen that is full of “approved” snacks and they can help themselves. Just like when my kids were growing up, they are in my kitchen when I am in there. Whether they are “washing” dishes or helping me cook, the laughter is always the best sound that emerges.
I have a good life, I have so much to be thankful for - but Jamie and Riley are my biggest, little blessings.