Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Full House

Allison came for a visit. Yes, the 'tornado' is in town! She finally left her impossibly long hour-ed job in the Keys and has decided to move on to a normal work environment (whatever that means). While we were in A.C., her brothers convinced her to take a trip up now, before she found a job. She was supposed to go home today, but we changed her ticket and she goes back next week.

It is nice having Allison around. She did all the laundry while I was at work. She does all the prep work for dinner. She makes special order cocktails at a moment's notice. AND she plays with Mr. W. while we are all at work. All in all, a wonderful thing! Too bad she has to go back to reality and start earning a living!

It has been MANY years since I've had 3 of my kids living under the same roof. I would be fibbing if I said I did not enjoy having them there. It is nicer having them here as adults than it was when they were teenagers!!

I know that they will eventually all move out, and move on. Until then, I will just continue to savor the moments...


Matriarch said...

savor the moments.....AND all the help

Anonymous said...

Just don't forget to retrieve your ice while the lights are still on and remember to keep the noise down! We're old and go to bed early!!

Angela said...

Hey Roby, I know you guys are old - but when did you get so CRANKY?

Angela said...

Was I the only child told that the door swings one way and not to let it hit me in the a** on the way out??

Anonymous said...

sorry googles - didn't mean to sound cranky - was up since 5 am and wasn't fed yet either.....