As many of you know, my cousin's 10 yr. old son was recently diagnosed with a rare form of bone cancer. Cancer is a scary word - no one ever wants to hear it, but all too often, we hear it in a "too close proximity" to our hearts.
In an effort to comfort my cousin as his son faced the first step in his treatment (a huge surgery), I decided to send him something special. My Dad was my cousin's Godfather. My cousin has asked me, on more than one occasion, for my Dad's "custom" rosary beads. (My Dad, in his infinite wisdom, had shortened his rosary beads thinking it would be more efficient for him to say his prayers.) I carried these rosary beads with me daily since my Dad died. I thought the time was right for me to send these to my cousin..
I wrote a heartfelt note and sent the rosary beads UPS RED for delivery the next morning to my cousin's house. They were to be delivered by 8:30AM. Well, when the package did not arrive by noon, I started making calls. They assured me the package was on the truck and would be delivered that day. Happy to say, the envelope finally made it to my cousin's house at 6:00pm that evening. The envelope was ripped in half and re-taped closed. The letter was enclosed, but NO rosary beads.
I was furious, to say the least! I called UPS and spoke to a lovely supervisor and explained the whole situation. She was entirely sympathetic and assured me that she would do all she could to find the rosary beads.
My cousin was just so sad that there was a possiblity that my Dad's rosary beads were going to be lost forever. I assured him that this was a great story and my father LOVED a good story.... There was nothing to fret over...
My UPS ladies called me every single day to tell me what they were doing to try to find the rosary beads - but most of all, they wanted daily updates as to how my little cousin fared after his surgery.
I am happy to say that the tireless efforts of these ladies paid off as they did indeed find the rosary beads and delivered them to my cousin's house - 4 days later!! I wonder where those rosary beads spent those 4 days... Do you think my Dad was involved?