Tuesday, February 15, 2011

What's for dinner?

So Bobby calls me Sunday morning and says, "So Ma, wanna come here today?" - Who could turn down such a heartfelt invitation??? I said, "Sure, I'll bring dinner".

Mr. W. and I left our house 3 hours later carrying:
- a stack of automotive magazines that Mr. W wanted to share with his son
- a stack of mail for the kid who has not changed his address in a year
- a tray of freshly baked chocolate chip cookies
- a tray of piping hot chicken cacciatore

Awaiting us at Bobby's house:
- Suse
- a platter of fresh bread
- fresh mozzarella
- imported Portugese Cheese
- roasting Portugese sausage
- a good bottle of red wine
- freshly brewed pot of coffee for Mr. W.

A combined effort.... a perfect day.

1 comment:

Angela said...

Bread and mozzarella..,mmmmmmmm