Monday, June 18, 2012

the last room

We moved into this house nearly 8 years ago. We fixed every room except one - the "office". The office is the 3rd bedroom on the top floor. There was a hideous border about a foot from the ceiling, so I covered it up by hanging framed photographs of the family all around the room. We put 3 huge bookcases against one wall - and proceeded to fill them up with books, knick knacks, photos, etc. There is a huge desk in there which houses the computer and 2 printers. We were gonna live with the room like this for a while until we decided what to do with it.

As time went on, this room became the dumping ground for anything that needed a home. This room also became the "home" for our ironing board - (We all iron EVERYTHING we wear - no one ever goes outside wrinkled!) Mr. W. filled this room with all kinds of stuff after the fire, when they were redoing all our wood floors. Lots of that stuff is still in this poor room. This was the only room on this floor that still had wall to wall "green" carpeting. This was also the carpeting that some of the pups mistook for the lawn - if you get my drift.

The time has finally come for us to do something about this room. God Bless Mr. W. as he took on the chore of removing the carpeting as that was the worst offense in the room. That was over a month ago - well, to be fair, it took him a month to get all the carpeting out of there - WITHOUT EVER REMOVING ANY OF THE FURNITURE!!! This has been a slow process.... It took 8 years to get like this, it might take another 8 years to clean it out and start all over.

The best thing about this project????? - I can close the door and not look in there for weeks at a time - (I wear a lot of "permanent press" these days!)

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