Tuesday, October 08, 2013

Tomorrow's the day

Yesterday we saw 3 different doctors, ending with the surgeon.  No matter how prepared we thought we were, nothing can prepare you for a surgeon who MUST tell you all the possible outcomes of this surgery.  No need to go into all the details here, suffice it to say, it was quite nerve wracking. 

I still find it hard to believe that Mike is as sick as they say.  He looks great.  He feels great.  Of course, after hearing all that was said yesterday, he is quite shaken up.  Perhaps, if he didn't look so good, this would be easier for him to handle.  It would be easier for me to understand this stage of the disease if he was in pain or not feeling well. 

I still can't say that he "has cancer".  I find myself saying, "the tumor is cancerous".  I am not in denial.... I am just hopeful that this will all simply fade away like a bad memory.

After hours of meeting with these doctors, not one of us asked, "what's the prognosis?"  Can't help but wonder why they didn't mention it.... I have decided that I do not want to know and I hope Mike never asks.

I have told everyone I know that my Mr. Wonderful will be in surgery tomorrow.  Hoping that God, the angels and saints will get tired of hearing his name...

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