Wednesday, January 08, 2014

And now we heal...

Mike finished his last treatment yesterday.  It was a LONG 6+ weeks, but it is over.   God bless Allison who drove him these last couple weeks as he was too weak to go it alone.  They would both get up at 4:00am to make that trek into the city.  On his good days, he would critique her driving skills.  On his "not-so-good" days, he would just sleep back and forth.  Happy to say, they have both survived the experience and I am sure they have pockets full of memories, as well.

Brandy nudged me at 4:00am this morning.... I forgot to let her know that we don't have to get moving that early anymore.  She was a good pup and went right back to sleep as I told her, "Not today, Brandy."

The doctor said Mike's side effects will worsen these next 2 weeks, then begin to wane.  You know the expression, "When you are going through hell, KEEP GOING!" - So, that is what we will do - we will look ahead, taking one day at a time...and we will eventually get on the "healing path".  They will do another scan in 4 months. 

I am not sure if this experience has 'changed' us or just helped to elevate other emotions that have been sitting idle.  I see the kids working together, but then again, they always have, I just never really paid attention to it.  I see Mike and I grateful for each day together, but we never took our lives for granted.  We felt the outpouring of love and caring from friends and extended family..... I am sure it was all there before, but they all came through with cards, texts, emails, phone calls, etc. when we needed it most.

My Mr. Wonderful is a humble man.  He would tear up with every gesture of support.  He is both awed and grateful by the attention.

I will shout it from the highest mountain, :THANK YOU to everyone who held us up when we were struggling to make it through the day.

Below is a picture of the mask that Mike wore during his treatments.  He was bolted down to the table each day.

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