Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Mr. Wonderful's Update

Yesterday started week 3 post treatment.  True to form, a day after week 2, Mike's appetite slowly started to return.  The meeting with the Radiologist last Friday was so positive.  He was too pleased with the waning residual effects of the radiation.  There are still some long lasting things to deal with, but that is a small price to pay to be rid of this beast.

They scheduled a follow-up Pet Scan for May 2.  It is hard not to think about what that scan may show.  I realize now that this is our "new normal".  We have to take each day as it comes and enjoy all that life has to offer - as none of us knows what tomorrow will bring.  I work very hard to push fear out of my way each morning.  I tell myself, "I will not worry until I am told there is something to worry about." 

Mike continues to have a positive outlook.  He was determined to do all that he could to fight this disease.  He is the "polar opposite" of a morning person, yet he rose every morning at 4:00am with no provocation from me.  This, to me, was proof positive that he was serious about battling this.  He told me, simply, that he was not ready to die.   You gotta love that optimism!

I am making a valiant effort to slow down.  I have (once again) removed caffeine from my diet and I am working real hard not to "live by the clock".  I am bound and determined to enjoy each day. 

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