Monday, October 24, 2016

Growing older or wiser?

I fully intended this blog to be a legacy for my grandchildren someday.  In looking over the posts for the past 9 years, I am proud to say that future generations will have a true glimpse into my everyday life.   But, for now.....

This has been such an intersting time for me.  As I prepare for the arrival of my new grandchild in a couple months, I can't help but reflect on how the recents events in my life have affected me:

I learned to live life as a widow.  I have survived 100% of the worst days of my life.  I believe in me.  I can do anything.

I understand how one chapter of your life can end and another new exciting chapter is just around the corner - if you open your heart for it.

I now see my children as responsible adults that I can lean on from time to time if need be.

I found that falling in love is indeed possible at any age.

I witnessed how "friends" come in and out of your life - not sure how or why, but I've learned not to question any one else's motives.

The older I get, the less I care about what others think.  I realize how short life is and I know I just want to be happy - and it is MY definition of happiness that matters.

My dad always said, "you don't need a LOT of money, you just need ENOUGH money".  I finally understand this.

I know that "worrying about a problem" has never changed the outcome.  I now choose to spend that time doing something else.

I understand the expression, "man makes plans, and God laughs".  I never take future plans too seriously anymore.

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