Thursday, March 30, 2017

On the road to recovery

The Prince and I have just survived our first medical emergency.  

He had been fighting a cold for about a week - and we both thought he was winning the battle until that one morning when he just did not look so good to me.  I stayed with him just to watch him for a while and he started to look a little better, so I went to work.  A few hours later, I texted him and he told me he was sleeping all morning, but I just did not like the combination of too much sleep and the way he looked in the morning.  I left work early and took him to Urgent Care (in his pajamas, as he said he just did not want to get dressed).  From Urgent Care, we headed to the hospital (after I made a pit stop home to give the contractor the key, and pick up a few items for the two of us as I was preparing for the inevitable).

My prince had the beginnings of bilateral pneumonia.  The X-Rays proved that it was just in the earliest stage.  They opted to admit him ("us" actually, as I was not leaving his side) and promptly put us in isolation.  They filled him full of round the clock IV Antibiotics and we killed the time talking, laughing and playing games on our phones.  There was some sleep involved, but mostly for him.  As I think I have perfected the art of sleeping at a hospital bedside on chairs, my mind was racing the whole time and sleep mostly evaded me.

I am happy to say that all's well that ends well.  Thank you to the doctors and nurses who took such good care of my honey.  Thank you to my sonny boy who hurried to our house and picked up all the dogs so I didn't have to come home at all.  Thank you to my contractor who finished our bathroom and took such good care of our house.  Thank you to the "C-Unit" for having the trust in me to take care of their Dad.

Thank you, God, for my new life.    

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