Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Mah Jongg, anyone?

I am a multi-faceted Guga. This past year I have learned how to play Mah Jongg and I have a weekly game - at my house (because I live in the middle). To any of you who snicker and sneer and think this is a game for old Jewish women, I dare you to try your hand at it. It is quite stimulating and thought provoking - not to mention the competitiveness of it, too! My Mah Jongg group consists of 5 women - all ages (and Nationalities) - with one thing in common - the need to do something just for ourselves! Thank goodness my Mr. Wonderful does not have the need to socialize with this crowd! He uses these weekly meetings as an excuse to go shopping - never to come home without a gift for me! I do love that guy - and it only took me 30 years, but he is nearly perfect!

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