Monday, March 15, 2010

Top o' the mornin' to ye!

We celebrated St. Patty's Day early this year. Had the whole crew over for the traditional corned beef and cabbage dinner.

My favorite part of the day is sitting at the table AFTER we've eaten and catching up with everyone (as if we didn't all talk on a regular basis anyway). There is something special about sitting together, digesting, having someone crack the nuts for us all to share (I think this is an Italian thing).

Funny, I don't remember any of the specifics about what we all talked about yesterday. The only thing I can recall is everyone had a full belly and a nice warm feeling all day long.

THIS, my friends, is what it is all about.....


Angela said...


Mama Llama said...

Lucky you! God Bless! Erin Go Bragh!

FrontierDreams said...

That IS what it is all about!! :)