Tuesday, March 02, 2010

Be is ever so humble...

We had a wonderful time in Atlantic City. This weekend I learned that there is a difference between, "doing nothing" and "having nothing to do". I am NOT good at doing nothing - I am VERY good at "having nothing to do"!!

On the ride down, I learned that one of my favorite authors had released the second book in her newest trilogy. I was thrilled!! I told Mr. W. that we would go to the mall on the Boardwalk and pick up the new book!! We checked into our room, made our deposit in the casino and freshened up for dinner. After dinner, we proceeded to the mall to shop for my book - THERE IS NO BOOKSTORE IN THE MALL!!! No worries, I checked my Barnes and Noble app on my iphone to see where the nearest store was - IT WAS 45 MILES AWAY!$#^&*! Needless to say, I had to wait to come home to get my book.

Day 2 - I was the dutiful wife and stood by my man as we toured the entire classic car show. No complaints from me!! Afterwards, we had to do some shopping. Mr. W. forgot to pack underwear for himself! Thank goodness this man is the CLEANEST man I have ever met and he was more obsessed with shopping for new underwear than he was at ogling at those cars for another 3 hours!

We did enjoy the rest of our little get-away. It was so nice just being together without the interruption of daily life.

Thank you to Little Michael who had dinner ready for us when we came home (or should I say - had dinner delivered just as we came home!)

I know I say it everytime, but, it is good to go away, it is better to come home!

1 comment:

Mama Llama said...

Glad you had a good time and the weather didn't get in your way!