Thursday, March 20, 2014

Mother Nature's Magic?

So, our long awaited Spring has arrived.  Just like that, I am packing away my boots and scarves!  I am mentally preparing myself for what lies ahead.

I am making a mental note to wash the 4 curtains in my house ASAP  (my version of Spring cleaning).  I think I have to pack away the snowman that stands on my mantle, too.  He needs to catch up on his rest for next Winter!

Time to pack away the firplace utensils and the leftover firewood.  No more fires until next Winter!

Time to start planning the placement of my spring plantings.  I long to see some color on my property.  The brighter, the better.  It will be a solid 6 weeks before I can break any soil, but I like to plan and be prepared.  I like to changes things up each year both with colors and types of flowers.

Also time to thin out the wardrobe.  I guess it is time to move those hooded sweatshirts into another closet, as well.  Have to go dust off our bikes and fill those tires with air - I LOVE bike riding in the Spring - not too hot, not too cold.

Spring represents all things new.  Just like THAT (snap your fingers) we will all be in a better frame of mind as we prepare for all the good things that Spring has to offer.

Thursday, March 13, 2014


We went to go visit my mom this past weekend.  She is 83.  We had not been out there since before last Summer, as my weekend are devoted to my immediate family.  We do see her on holidays as my brother will always pick her up when we are getting together.

As I reflect on the visit, seeing my husband and my mom in the same room, I am reminded that life is fragile and old age is a privilege.  If there was ever a wake-up call to take better care of myself now, THIS WAS IT.  I am bound and determined to be as independent as possible and not rely on my kids for my daily existence if I am lucky enough to live to a ripe old age.  That means I have to lift my ass out of the chair now and get moving.

I will never go to a gym, so I must find ways of being less sedentary.  Last week, Mr. W. moved the treadmill from the laundry room to the downstairs den, in front of the TV.  I dusted off the cobwebs and thanked him.  Haven't been down there since.  Not sure what my aversion is to exercise.  I think it is just a matter of getting into a routine.  I have a routine now and it does not include sweating while working my ass off and going nowhere.

I can make logical arguments for getting on that treadmill - but, as any great debater well knows, I can make an equal argument for staying the hell off that dreaded machine!  I think the winning argument may include less clothes, a scale and a mirror.....

Tuesday, March 04, 2014

Spring is on the Horizon!

Well, it's been over a month since I've posted anything.  And, as they say, "no news is good news."  Whereas Mr. W's forward progression has come to a snail's pace, at least he is not moving backwards.  Sometimes, he gets frustrated with himself, but I always remind him how lucky we were and how awful this could have turned out.

Bobby and Suse have a new puppy, "Bailey", a happy-go-lucky yellow lab.  Thankfully, they live pretty close to us as it is Mr. W's job to visit her everyday and take her for a walk while they are working.  Being that he is the official "Dog Whisperer" in our family, this is something he does everyday with a smile.  It is good for him to have something to do rather than just go to the doctor.

I know I often sing the praises of all 4 seasons, but this Winter has been especially rough on everyone.  I am grateful that our snowblower is in tip-top shape and that Mike has been able to go out there and use it!

I am celebrating the coming of Spring with a great effort to give away, throw away, shred, etc. almost anything I can put my hands on these days.  When did we become such pack rats?  (and by "we", I mean "HE").  I keep telling him, "Make believe we are going to move.  If we are not taking it to our new house, let's throw it away NOW!"  It's a losing battle.  I have succumbed to going in his closet and hiding things in the garbage every other day - LOL!!   I am not sentimental when it comes to "stuff".  I have my memories, and photographs, and a few trinkets that commemorate special times, but other than that - I can easily toss the clutter.  It's a work in progress... a thankless job.

Just 2 more weeks until Spring arrives....
Mike will continue healing...
I will continue my de-cluttering...
Bailey will continue growing...
And Life goes on...