Thursday, March 13, 2014


We went to go visit my mom this past weekend.  She is 83.  We had not been out there since before last Summer, as my weekend are devoted to my immediate family.  We do see her on holidays as my brother will always pick her up when we are getting together.

As I reflect on the visit, seeing my husband and my mom in the same room, I am reminded that life is fragile and old age is a privilege.  If there was ever a wake-up call to take better care of myself now, THIS WAS IT.  I am bound and determined to be as independent as possible and not rely on my kids for my daily existence if I am lucky enough to live to a ripe old age.  That means I have to lift my ass out of the chair now and get moving.

I will never go to a gym, so I must find ways of being less sedentary.  Last week, Mr. W. moved the treadmill from the laundry room to the downstairs den, in front of the TV.  I dusted off the cobwebs and thanked him.  Haven't been down there since.  Not sure what my aversion is to exercise.  I think it is just a matter of getting into a routine.  I have a routine now and it does not include sweating while working my ass off and going nowhere.

I can make logical arguments for getting on that treadmill - but, as any great debater well knows, I can make an equal argument for staying the hell off that dreaded machine!  I think the winning argument may include less clothes, a scale and a mirror.....

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