Friday, July 01, 2016

Lemonade stands and life lessons

With the onset of Summer, fond memories pop into my head of years gone by.  One of my favorites is how the kids would make a lemonade stand several times each Summer.  They would work diligently to build the structure then come raid my house for supplies.

I can still see their little faces as they "hawked their product" - squealing with delight every time someone stopped to make a purchase.  I was so proud of their little entrepreneurship!!

Whereas they took on this project to make money, what they actually earned were life long lessons that just cannot be taught.  They learned a lot about teamwork and people skills.

I love how, to this day, we all stop every time we see a couple kids with their lemonade stand.  We ALWAYS make a purchase.  I guess we were all "paying it forward' before it became popular.

Some things just cannot be taught in a classroom......

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