Sunday, July 16, 2006

Old Friends

Went to the beach Saturday - first time in 2 years. I met my friend there. We've been friends for over 20 years. The thing about an old friend is - there is no need to make small talk. We sat on that beach for over 5 hours - talking and not talking. There is great comfort in being with an old friend. She knows you inside and out. She knows your past and she lives in your present. You two can share your future dreams together and no matter how ridiculous they seem, no one laughs.

My friend and I are in different places in our life right now - both of us are extremely busy. It is not always easy to see eachother, but we talk often - if only to touch base. When we do see eachother, we savor the moment, and make it last.

There are unspoken words betwen us, "I love you. I will always be there for you." They are unspoken because they do not need to be said - they are understood.

There are many blessings in my life: Mr. Wonderful, my kids, my granddaughters, and my friends.


Angela said...

lets not forget some pretty awesome cousins!

Angela said...

mea culpa...