Wednesday, October 29, 2008

The Drapes

We have lived in this house for 4 years. For 4 years, I have been trying to find the time to make drapes for the sliding doors downstairs. I even bought the material!

This past Saturday, I gave in to retail and BOUGHT the drapes. The price was right - 5 panels - 84" long. I took out one panel and the guys measured where to install the rod (that had been purchased 4 years ago.) I then went upstairs to diligently iron all those panels - BLAH!!

All 5 panels are ready to go and I carry them downstairs to install - when I realize that 2 of the panels are 63" long!! PANIC!! QUICKLY, we fold up and repackage the 2 short panels and head back to the store (35 minutes away).

After fighting through the traffic and crowd (big sale going on) - I go through all the packages of drapes to FINALLY find the last 2 panels of the correct color. I make the even exchange and smile all the way home.

Back to the ironing board - ONLY TO FIND THAT THESE DRAPES ARE A DIFFERENT STYLE (tab top). - Needless to say, I was ridiculously angry!

Mr. W. then took me to a local store, where I bought all new drapes (at almost twice the price, but only needed 4 panels). The new drapes are all ironed and hung. The sale drapes are all folded and repackaged waiting to be returned. Wanna guess how long it takes for them to go back to the store???


Matriarch said...

Is the store near any other store that you like? Is it near a nice restaurant?
These all make a difference in how long they take to be returned?
Also, if you give them to one of the kids to return and tell them they get to keep the money - they go back quicker!

Angela said...

Happy to say it only took a week for the drapes to go back to the store. Bobby was the good sport who made the trip for me - ya gotta love that kid!

Anonymous said...

whoa wait a second! I should have gotten to keep the money! This seems like a great idea

Angela said...