Tuesday, November 08, 2016

Did you see the hammer?

I have been offered lots of different advice lately (most of it unheeded).  I am sure everyone means well.....

"Go on vacation together - you never really know someone until you spend 24/7 with them"

"Spend time with his kids - they will show you the REAL person he is"

"Push his buttons!  Get him angry!!  - you will see his true colors when he loses his temper"

Well, my friends, I had my own barometer!  We decided to make-over a bathroom together.  That is the REAL test of compatibility!   Removing wallpaper, prepping the walls, picking paint colors, measuring and cutting the wainscot and moulding, and finally, adding decorative touches!

There were a couple hurdles...... but I have a tendency to only remember the laughs we had.  I think there was spilled paint, misplaced pencils and tools, apprehension about color and moulding placement - perhaps even a few more bumps in the road.  In all fairness, PC did most of the work, I was merely an "apprentice" this time around.

That being said, whenever I look into that bathroom now - I see a project that we did together.  Just a small room in the life we are building together.  It makes me smile.

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