Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Checking on Allison

We leave in 2 days for our annual "girls' trip". When Allison first relocated to the Florida Keys, my sister-in-law and I made a vow to go 'check on her' at least one a year. Each year we make the ultimate sacrifice, leave our spouses behind and go do some serious bonding with Allison.

I am happy to say that we have some wonderful friends and family who have offered to accompany us on this tiresome trek. They have been incredibly supportive throughout the years and we are entirely grateful.

This year, I have asked Michelle to join us. This will be her first trip without her husband, but Michelle would do anything for her sister. She and Allison really need to spend some quality time together.

Allison and I have a little ritual that we do whenever we see eachother. We share a bracelet. Each time we see eachother, we put it on the other's wrist. This visit, the bracelet will go to her. I will miss seeing it on my arm, but when I look down at the empty wrist, I will always know that it is safely with Allison. It is a simple little bracelet, but it holds so much meaning to the two of us.

There will be 7 of us this year and we have rented a little house, with a pool for (cough) water aerobics. We will drink filtered water and green tea, we will eat healthy, organic foods. I am hoping for some quiet chats, some time to read, and the opportunity to reflect on the meaning of life - - - but I am afraid you, my faithful readers, will never know if that happens.... afterall, what happens in Key West, STAYS in Key West!!


Matriarch said...

Have a great time and give Allison a hug from me.

Heidi said...

I love the bracelet idea. With three daughters, maybe I can have a couple bracelets going around! :)