Thursday, September 09, 2010

Some precious moments

Life goes by so fast. When I lay in bed at night, sometimes I watch the video of recent events (always in fast-forward). It is easy to harp on the rotten things that happen in your life - but, seriously, I have found it much more pleasant to reflect on the best things that happen to me.

Just this past weekend:

Bobby and Michael sitting next to each other with their new phones in their hands. One of them is saying, "Yea, but can your phone do this?" And the other one answering, "Oh yea? WATCH THIS!" Seeing them giggle and tease each other like they did when they were 5 and 7 yrs old. - Then watching the two of them run out to do some quick shopping together as I prepared dinner. Hearing them come back into the house, still laughing, conspiring.... HOW WONDERFUL WAS THAT?!?!?!

Brandy (the new puppy) jumping out of the car window on the way to the park. She was so excited to play with her friends that she just could not wait for the car to stop! Yes, it cost an arm and a leg at the vet - but she did not break anything - HOW WONDERFUL WAS THAT!!!

Holding my friend's new baby granddaughter - just 2 weeks old. Cuddling that baby, rocking her in my arms, putting her to sleep. Kissing her head. Feeling my heart swell with love (afterall, can you really ever love too many children?). Then having her mom ask me, "Can Olivia call you Guga, too?".... HOW WONDERFUL WAS THAT?

Looking into another friend's eyes and trying with all my might to give her the right words and strength to deal with her husband's terrible illness. Having her hug me and thank me for helping her.... HOW WONDERFUL WAS THAT??

Making a dinner and birthday cake to celebrate Suse's birthday. Having friends and family all around the table together. Everyone pitching in to make it a stress-fee day. Hearing the noise level just below a roar, but just loud enough to be slighlty annoying to anyone who does not know us. Laughing until our sides hurt. Watching the evening come to a close as Bobby carries out his last load of laundry. Knowing that it takes this family just as long to say good-bye to each other as it does to find a parking spot at Macy's during a one-day sale - (even though we will all see each other next week!) .... HOW WONDDERFUL WAS THAT?

I feel blessed that I can find wonderful moments all the time, in all that we do. I hope my children will always remember to savor the little joys in everyday life.


Matriarch said...

God Bless them all. It is wonderful to see siblings getting along and just as wonderful to be one of the siblings in a large group.

nimmie said...

I sincerely hope that one day my kids can sit together in a room and find the joy of each others as your children do. I sincerely hope one day that they whole family can sit in a room and remember all the good times we had and not harp on the misfortunate things that have happened. With your teaching and God's help I know all of this can happen some day. Thanks so much for sharing the gift you have with the joy of life, you are truly blessed