We have received a few Christmas letters lately and that made me think about what we would write should the need arise:
I turned 60 - I never paid much attention to age, but it is a milestone, nonetheless. The Prince and I went to Florida for a quick get-away. We spent 10 days together, day and night and we STILL wanted to be together after that!
Happy Birthday: Brianne, Courtney, Dennis, Christian, Lisa, Michael
The Prince and I became officially "engaged". He surprised me with a pez dispenser and a ring for Valentine's Day. Yes, "we are one", as he has proclaimed many times. Two days later, we sat in the waiting room of a hospital anticipating Jamie's birth - "our" first grandchild.
Happy Birthday: Jamie
Serious renovations continue on the house. The family room, bathroom and dining room have all been "made-over". We are now moving the show upstairs! We have been busy shopping for the Master Suite Project.
We shared a hospital room for a couple days - Well, he had the bed, I had the chair - but he beat pneumonia in record time! And the Master Suite is complete!
Happy Birthday: Samantha and Allison
Put my house on the market. Sold my house. Short story and a happy ending.
The family grows by another 2 feet! We welcome Colette!! We celebrated the Prince's birthday - YES, EVERY YEAR is a milestone!
Happy Birthday: Bobby, Colette, James
July & August:
The 8 weekends of unending "yard work" paid off! Enjoyed our yard and pool - and was so happy to share the accommodations with our family....
Happy Birthday: Aidan, Gretchen, Napoli
September & October
Our renovations continued outdoors. I earned my "union card" as the Prince taught me how to build decks and erect sheds.
Happy Birthday: Suse, Eve, Michelle
Prepared for the holiday season by putting up "Our first Christmas tree" before Thanksgiving!
Happy Birthday: Brett, Ryan, Stephanie
Looking forward to celebrating Christmas with our enormous family. So grateful to count our blessings everyday.
Happy Birthday, Oliver!
It's a little boring, but it is OUR life - and WE LOVE IT!
Monday, December 18, 2017
Tuesday, December 05, 2017
....another blessing....
The Prince and I recently went to
my nephew's wedding. I knew half the people there, many of whom I had not
seen in a couple years. It was truly my pleasure to introduce the Prince
as "My FiancĂ©” to those who had not met him yet.
warmed my heart to see how these people (whom I know for decades) warmly
greeted my Prince. They shook his hand and embraced the moment. Every single
one of them would hug me afterwards (many with tears in their eyes) and say,
"It is so good to see you so happy, once again."
was a lot of love in the room that night..... Sure, it was a wedding and
everyone was there for the bride and groom..... But, for a while, I felt like the most loved
person there.
Thursday, November 30, 2017
New Traditions
The Prince and I recently put up our Christmas tree. We both have decades of Christmases under our belts. We have wonderful memories of the past - our own childhood and watching our children's excitment throught the years.
It makes sense that we cannot have traditions when we have no history. At this stage of our lives, I think it is wise to sit back and watch as our children create the traditions. We can happily become participants in their lives as often as we are invited.
This is our time to make new memories. This tree and ornaments are all new..... they are representative of our life. A new beginning after suffering sorrowful losses.
That tree makes me smile everyday. I think about how we carefully picked it out - and how we shopped for all the ornaments. Lots of smiles, giggles and hugs that day....
My Christmas wish - I wish all our childen will realize how precious a good relationship is.... how it is a wonderful gift when two people make a commitment and make that commitment a true priority in their lives.
Thankful for my prince. Thankful for our wonderful life.
It makes sense that we cannot have traditions when we have no history. At this stage of our lives, I think it is wise to sit back and watch as our children create the traditions. We can happily become participants in their lives as often as we are invited.
This is our time to make new memories. This tree and ornaments are all new..... they are representative of our life. A new beginning after suffering sorrowful losses.
That tree makes me smile everyday. I think about how we carefully picked it out - and how we shopped for all the ornaments. Lots of smiles, giggles and hugs that day....
My Christmas wish - I wish all our childen will realize how precious a good relationship is.... how it is a wonderful gift when two people make a commitment and make that commitment a true priority in their lives.
Thankful for my prince. Thankful for our wonderful life.
Wednesday, November 08, 2017
Re-writing the script
As the holidays approach, once again I find myself looking back over the years - with smiles and tears.
I was so young when I married - but I knew it would last forever. He filled my heart in a moment and I knew there was nothing that would ever tear us apart. Move the calendar ahead 38 years and I realized there was something that would come between us. "Til death do us part" was my new reality. This was not part of my plan. I wrote the story - this is not how it was supposed to end. It was MY story - how dare God change the ending....
Time goes by.....
Along comes a man who also fills my heart in a moment. Could this be real? This was not in my book. He is loving and warm. He has his prioirites in order. He is widowed after a very long marriage, as well. He is a package deal (kids, their partners, and grandchildren). He makes me laugh. He loves me.
I'm am forever grateful that God has decided to be the editor of my story.
I was so young when I married - but I knew it would last forever. He filled my heart in a moment and I knew there was nothing that would ever tear us apart. Move the calendar ahead 38 years and I realized there was something that would come between us. "Til death do us part" was my new reality. This was not part of my plan. I wrote the story - this is not how it was supposed to end. It was MY story - how dare God change the ending....
Time goes by.....
Along comes a man who also fills my heart in a moment. Could this be real? This was not in my book. He is loving and warm. He has his prioirites in order. He is widowed after a very long marriage, as well. He is a package deal (kids, their partners, and grandchildren). He makes me laugh. He loves me.
I'm am forever grateful that God has decided to be the editor of my story.
Friday, November 03, 2017
I wanna be a Teamster!
The Prince and I have worked feverishly in the yard to make things neat and orderly. We put up 2 new sheds in the pool area - one at either end. It was so nice to have a place for everything, and everything is it's place.
It was SO nice, in fact, that we just kept going. Next, we decided we needed a shed behind the existing wood shed on the side of the house. First step: build a deck to support this shed. This entailed 2 trips to Home Depot to get the necessary 4x4's and 1x6's. Happy to say, the deck was built in one afternoon. Erecting the shed, however, seemed to take days!! There were a few hiccups - mostly, injuries sustained by me (ceiling joists falling and hitting me, a slip of a mallet to catch my finger....) Eventually, it was completed and it was worth all the work.
Well, like the classic book, "If you give a mouse a cookie"..... our construction continued. The Prince declared that we needed a proper walkway (read that 8'x40') to get to the newly erected shed. This consisted of a huge wood delivery from Home Depot. Who knew building decks would be so much fun (?). We also replaced and enlarged a decked area on the other side of the house for our trash cans and BBQs.
I am proud to say that I now have my own Screw gun and The Prince has promoted me from Apprentice to Foreman!
I am thinking, with the Winter fast approaching, I'd better come up with some indoor projects before the Prince runs out of steam. (After all, I need to perfect my new found skills....)
It was SO nice, in fact, that we just kept going. Next, we decided we needed a shed behind the existing wood shed on the side of the house. First step: build a deck to support this shed. This entailed 2 trips to Home Depot to get the necessary 4x4's and 1x6's. Happy to say, the deck was built in one afternoon. Erecting the shed, however, seemed to take days!! There were a few hiccups - mostly, injuries sustained by me (ceiling joists falling and hitting me, a slip of a mallet to catch my finger....) Eventually, it was completed and it was worth all the work.
Well, like the classic book, "If you give a mouse a cookie"..... our construction continued. The Prince declared that we needed a proper walkway (read that 8'x40') to get to the newly erected shed. This consisted of a huge wood delivery from Home Depot. Who knew building decks would be so much fun (?). We also replaced and enlarged a decked area on the other side of the house for our trash cans and BBQs.
I am proud to say that I now have my own Screw gun and The Prince has promoted me from Apprentice to Foreman!
I am thinking, with the Winter fast approaching, I'd better come up with some indoor projects before the Prince runs out of steam. (After all, I need to perfect my new found skills....)
Thursday, October 12, 2017
"On the road again"
We recently took a trip to visit The Prince's daughter and her family. There is a lot of planning when we embark on this journey. Hotel reservations, arrange boarding for the dogs, stop the paper, pack the car , wrap some gifts for the kiddies...... you get the idea.
Finally, we hit the road! We are mentally prepared for a 4 hour road trip. We have an array of things to listen to (but we usually talk most of the time) . - I pack a variety of snacks: salty, sweet, crunchy, chewy - NOTHING HEALTHY. We expect traffic at the usual locations and finally, we are out of New York!
It was a delightful ride - the Delaware Water Gap was an array of color. The music was especially entertaining - we sang our hearts out! THEN, out of nowhere, we are forced to merge lanes and travel single file "at the speed of a snail.....going uphill...on an icy surface". We did 2 speeds - SLOW and STOP. What should have taken 30 minutes, took over 2 hours. There is no amount of snacks that could placate a saint in those conditions! Eventually, we made it to our hotel. We both fell soundly asleep knowing that the next day was going to bring a flurry of activities with the grandkids.
We had an early breakfast and headed over to start our day. When 2 kids scream with delight and run into our arms, we both know that no amount of traffic will ever stop us from making this trip in the future. It was a happy, busy weekend - we made wonderful memories.
You know everyone had a good time when it is so hard to say good-bye.... "...'til next time, little cherubs...."
Finally, we hit the road! We are mentally prepared for a 4 hour road trip. We have an array of things to listen to (but we usually talk most of the time) . - I pack a variety of snacks: salty, sweet, crunchy, chewy - NOTHING HEALTHY. We expect traffic at the usual locations and finally, we are out of New York!
It was a delightful ride - the Delaware Water Gap was an array of color. The music was especially entertaining - we sang our hearts out! THEN, out of nowhere, we are forced to merge lanes and travel single file "at the speed of a snail.....going uphill...on an icy surface". We did 2 speeds - SLOW and STOP. What should have taken 30 minutes, took over 2 hours. There is no amount of snacks that could placate a saint in those conditions! Eventually, we made it to our hotel. We both fell soundly asleep knowing that the next day was going to bring a flurry of activities with the grandkids.
We had an early breakfast and headed over to start our day. When 2 kids scream with delight and run into our arms, we both know that no amount of traffic will ever stop us from making this trip in the future. It was a happy, busy weekend - we made wonderful memories.
You know everyone had a good time when it is so hard to say good-bye.... "...'til next time, little cherubs...."
Tuesday, October 03, 2017
a sweet moment
Saw a TV show last night where the character was lamenting over the death of his wife. He was wondering if he would ever be in love again. His friend told him that he will most definitely find love again and his tombstone will read, "was fortunate enough to be loved by 2 wonderful women in his lifetime".
I reached for The Prince's hand - he squeezed it and said, with a tear in his eye..... "Yes...and you will have been loved by two wonderful men..."
Wednesday, September 13, 2017
"Grandparents Day"
"Grandparents Day" seems like a silly holiday created by the greeting card companies. Of course everyone reveres their grandparents! Who else loves you unconditionally while breaking all your parents' rules???
My Grandmother was a wonderful role model, mentor, advocate and friend. She taught me so much without ever lecturing me.
I remember standing on a little bench and ironing handkerchiefs. I was SO excited when I graduated to pillow cases. To this day, the smell of steam coming out of my iron brings my grandmother to me.
I remember frying meatballs for the first time in her well-seasoned cast iron frying pan. "Don't touch them until they have browned!" Today, I use a similar frying pan and her technique has NEVER failed.
I remember her telling me to "change the air" in the baby's nursery. All year long, she would have me close the nursery door and open all the windows in there to remove the bad air and let in the fresh air. I still do that in our bedroom!
My grandma told me that babies need to cry now and then. It helps their lungs grow. She proclaimed that hiccups helped their "insides to get bigger" - and (my personal favorite) when babies smile while they are sleeping, it's because an angel is talking to them.
My grandmother made every visit to her like a holiday. She went to several different stores to get the groceries. She cooked all our favorite dishes and sent us home with plenty leftovers. There was always a special treat in her candy dish - and she emptied that dish into a little bag to send home with us, as well.
I am so blessed to be able to close my eyes and picture my grandmother's hands. I can still 'smell' her perfume. I am named after my Grandmother ....... we called her Grandma Angela.
I have asked that Jamie call me, "Grandma".... it will be a wonderful tribute to my grandmother.
My Grandmother was a wonderful role model, mentor, advocate and friend. She taught me so much without ever lecturing me.
I remember standing on a little bench and ironing handkerchiefs. I was SO excited when I graduated to pillow cases. To this day, the smell of steam coming out of my iron brings my grandmother to me.
I remember frying meatballs for the first time in her well-seasoned cast iron frying pan. "Don't touch them until they have browned!" Today, I use a similar frying pan and her technique has NEVER failed.
I remember her telling me to "change the air" in the baby's nursery. All year long, she would have me close the nursery door and open all the windows in there to remove the bad air and let in the fresh air. I still do that in our bedroom!
My grandma told me that babies need to cry now and then. It helps their lungs grow. She proclaimed that hiccups helped their "insides to get bigger" - and (my personal favorite) when babies smile while they are sleeping, it's because an angel is talking to them.
My grandmother made every visit to her like a holiday. She went to several different stores to get the groceries. She cooked all our favorite dishes and sent us home with plenty leftovers. There was always a special treat in her candy dish - and she emptied that dish into a little bag to send home with us, as well.
I am so blessed to be able to close my eyes and picture my grandmother's hands. I can still 'smell' her perfume. I am named after my Grandmother ....... we called her Grandma Angela.
I have asked that Jamie call me, "Grandma".... it will be a wonderful tribute to my grandmother.
Monday, August 28, 2017
A Different Life
Life is so different these days.... Being a wife and mother for so many years, there are things ingrained in me that are just hard to "undo", but certainly much has changed.
I am no longer a wife.... I am choosing never to be a "wife" again. I am not 20, (yes, that's when I got married!). There are too many things that complicate a "legal union" at this stage of our lives. That being said. I remain a "treasured fiance'" - and I am happy. The Prince and I have a comfortable life together. We have slowly defined our roles in the house. Sometimes he takes the lead, sometimes I do. We work well as a team, no matter what the project. We both understand that a happy, successful relationship is "give and take" - NOT 50/50! Let's face it, between us, we have over 75 years of marriage under our belts. We entered into this relationship wanting the same thing - a happy life with a partner by our side.
I am still a mother. Have been for nearly 40 years. That will never change. I am a parent, confidante' and role model to my children and my sons/daughters-in-law. I am a "pseudo-parent" to my kids' friends when they need a shoulder or advice. I am a Grandma, Guga and Nanny to a host of little ones.
I have found that life will put many people in my path and each one will help define me as a person. I am pleased to see that I am still learning, growing, and improving (I hope). Each chapter brings new challenges and small changes. I realize that I am a "work in progress".
I must never forget that life can take a sharp turn, at any given moment.... but I still make plans - I like to give God a good laugh now and then.
I am no longer a wife.... I am choosing never to be a "wife" again. I am not 20, (yes, that's when I got married!). There are too many things that complicate a "legal union" at this stage of our lives. That being said. I remain a "treasured fiance'" - and I am happy. The Prince and I have a comfortable life together. We have slowly defined our roles in the house. Sometimes he takes the lead, sometimes I do. We work well as a team, no matter what the project. We both understand that a happy, successful relationship is "give and take" - NOT 50/50! Let's face it, between us, we have over 75 years of marriage under our belts. We entered into this relationship wanting the same thing - a happy life with a partner by our side.
I am still a mother. Have been for nearly 40 years. That will never change. I am a parent, confidante' and role model to my children and my sons/daughters-in-law. I am a "pseudo-parent" to my kids' friends when they need a shoulder or advice. I am a Grandma, Guga and Nanny to a host of little ones.
I have found that life will put many people in my path and each one will help define me as a person. I am pleased to see that I am still learning, growing, and improving (I hope). Each chapter brings new challenges and small changes. I realize that I am a "work in progress".
I must never forget that life can take a sharp turn, at any given moment.... but I still make plans - I like to give God a good laugh now and then.
Thursday, August 03, 2017
Turn the page...
It surprises me how such a strong willed individual like myself can feel so unnerved at times. Vulnerability has no boundaries....
My house is sold. For the first time in 37 years, I am not a home owner. It's a little like flying without a parachute. Suffice it to say, I have taken a serious "leap of faith".
I believed this man when he said: "I love you".
I trusted him when he said, "I will never hurt you".
He stole my heart when he said, "We are one".
And so begins the next chapter of my life.
My house is sold. For the first time in 37 years, I am not a home owner. It's a little like flying without a parachute. Suffice it to say, I have taken a serious "leap of faith".
I believed this man when he said: "I love you".
I trusted him when he said, "I will never hurt you".
He stole my heart when he said, "We are one".
And so begins the next chapter of my life.
Tuesday, July 11, 2017
No Four Leaf Clover Required!
In my quest for a gratitude-filled life, I often look to my Prince and think how blessed I am to have found such a good man, (a second man), in my lifetime. He is patient and kind, giving and loving. To me, these are the most important qualities a man can have.
I hear people telling me over and over how "lucky" I am...... they said it about my marriage and they are now saying it about this relationship. I've said it before and I will SCREAM it from the highest mountain. LUCK HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH THIS!!!
A successful relationship is made up of 2 parts:
It is not enough to "find" the right person..... you must be the "right partner".
I promise you, there is no luck involved.
I hear people telling me over and over how "lucky" I am...... they said it about my marriage and they are now saying it about this relationship. I've said it before and I will SCREAM it from the highest mountain. LUCK HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH THIS!!!
A successful relationship is made up of 2 parts:
- Two willing participants who want the same things in life.
- Two people who have the same morals and beliefs.
- Two individuals who want to work as a team to have a good life.
It is not enough to "find" the right person..... you must be the "right partner".
I promise you, there is no luck involved.
Thursday, June 22, 2017
The Bucket List
The Prince and I were watching TV the other night when a woman talked about her "Bucket List". The mere mention of this list pushed my brain to the limits!
Whereas I am certainly in the "last half" of my life, I have never given much thought to making a Bucket List. I have heard many people talk about travel and exciting adventures. I've even heard them talk about death-defying activities (i.e. skydiving!). I can honestly say that I could die peacefully without having experienced any of those things.
Not sure I have an actual list - but I know there were always things I wanted to experience in my life:
I wanted to be in love - and I've been graced with the opportunity to have that TWICE. My son said it best: "How lucky are you to have been blessed with 2 wonderful men in your life?"
I wanted to be a mom - I am a mom, a step-mom, a 'second' mom, a mother-in-law and a grandmother! I savor every moment - all the pride and joy along with the trials and tribulations.
I wanted to be happy - the day I realized that happiness was a choice was a true turn around for me. Happiness IS a choice for EVERYONE and I choose it everyday. I am sure there is a long list of things that are not 'perfect' in my life, but, thankfully I can't really think of any at the moment. I can, however, make an unending list of all that is good in my life!
I am thinking I have achieved my "bucket list". I am grateful that I recognize all that is good in my life and I never take a day of it for granted.
Whereas I am certainly in the "last half" of my life, I have never given much thought to making a Bucket List. I have heard many people talk about travel and exciting adventures. I've even heard them talk about death-defying activities (i.e. skydiving!). I can honestly say that I could die peacefully without having experienced any of those things.
Not sure I have an actual list - but I know there were always things I wanted to experience in my life:
I wanted to be in love - and I've been graced with the opportunity to have that TWICE. My son said it best: "How lucky are you to have been blessed with 2 wonderful men in your life?"
I wanted to be a mom - I am a mom, a step-mom, a 'second' mom, a mother-in-law and a grandmother! I savor every moment - all the pride and joy along with the trials and tribulations.
I wanted to be happy - the day I realized that happiness was a choice was a true turn around for me. Happiness IS a choice for EVERYONE and I choose it everyday. I am sure there is a long list of things that are not 'perfect' in my life, but, thankfully I can't really think of any at the moment. I can, however, make an unending list of all that is good in my life!
I am thinking I have achieved my "bucket list". I am grateful that I recognize all that is good in my life and I never take a day of it for granted.
Monday, June 19, 2017
And the family grows by another 2 feet!
There is nothing more exciting than welcoming a new baby to the family:
Would all like to introduce you to:
Welcome to the family, Colette. There are many uncertainties in this world - but one thing you can always count on: You WILL be loved!
Would all like to introduce you to:
Welcome to the family, Colette. There are many uncertainties in this world - but one thing you can always count on: You WILL be loved!
Friday, May 19, 2017
5/26/15 Two years later
It's hard to believe that 2 years have passed since you've left this earth. Early on, I thought I was going to die of a broken heart. The chest pains were fierce and they were real. I soon came to realize that it was simply grief.... the physical manifestations of the saddest emotion. I later understood that this pain was the result of losing someone that I had loved so much. I am truly grateful for having loved so deeply and being so loved by you. It was, indeed, worth the subsequent heartbreak.
Eventually, I learned that I was not a helpless widow, but a very capable woman whose heart hurt. Because of your love for me, I knew that I did not want to spend the rest of my life without feeling that kind of love ever again.
Turn the pages to 2 years later. I have met a wonderful man and have allowed myself to fall in love once again. We often talk about you and you remain alive in my heart, afterall, you taught me how to love and be loved.
The kids are amazing. Your sons are truly wonderful men that would make you so proud. They both watch over me - from a safe distance - while tending to their own families. They are smart, witty and talented. There is no project that they will shy away from. I can see so much of you in both of them. You taught them well...
Your daughters are strong, vibrant women. They, too, keep a watchful eye over me (from a safer distance!). They speak their peace and demand respect. They are intelligent, beautiful inside and out and KIND. I am enjoying watching their lives unfold.
Our chldren are all supportive and loving, not only to me, but to each other - and that's the greatest tribute to US.
Jamie, our newest granddaughter, is delicious. That little angel has softened all our hearts. She is truly proof positive that life goes on.
I have changed in many ways since you left. I don't take crap from ANYONE!! I have learned to put toxic relationships on a back burner - where they cannot hurt me. I stopped watching over the kids like a mother-hen. I am no longer their safety net - they are MY safety net now! I am mindful of all things in nature - as you would point out over and over. I still look for your signs, and when they appear, they always make me smile.
Rest in peace, as I am fearless and I am happy, once again.
Wednesday, May 10, 2017
Is it Wednesday? Another Mother's Day....
Once a year , on the second Sunday in May, America celebrates Mother's Day. More flowers are purchased on this occasion than any other. Restaurants are bombarded with families. Hallmark has a field day.
My children have asked me repeatedly about this coming Sunday. My answer remains the same each time. No need to fuss on this Sunday.
I am blessed to have children who make me a part of their everyday lives. I hear from them regularly (read that: everyday) and I see them often. They check on me, they confide in me, they ask my opinion. They show their love in the most subtle ways everyday.
I am so proud to be the mother of these kids. I don't need a National Holiday to be recognized as a good mom. They let me know it everyday.....
My children have asked me repeatedly about this coming Sunday. My answer remains the same each time. No need to fuss on this Sunday.
I am blessed to have children who make me a part of their everyday lives. I hear from them regularly (read that: everyday) and I see them often. They check on me, they confide in me, they ask my opinion. They show their love in the most subtle ways everyday.
I am so proud to be the mother of these kids. I don't need a National Holiday to be recognized as a good mom. They let me know it everyday.....
Thursday, May 04, 2017
Another step forward....
So my house is up for sale. Another step forward in this new chapter of my life. The house is way too big and it is silly to carry that expense at this stage. The kids are all supportive of my decision.
My children were not raised in this house, therefore it is not so hard to let it go. We made wonderful memories there - had lots of family functions. Those times will live forever in my heart.
What does amaze me is how much crap we accumulated in the last 13 years!!! AND, there are boxes in the garage that have never been opened since we moved them here!! Everyone knows how happy I am when I am throwing stuff away. The Prince often jokes that if he stands still for too long, I will either wash him or toss him in the garbage!
I must give accolades to Uncle Little Michael (aka, The Godfather) for making this as stress-free as possible. He has boxed things, tossed things, and moved things - all with a smile on his face. He would often say, "Mom, what is causing you the most stress?" - then he would do something about it.
Thank you, my son, for all that you do.
I could not have predicted where life has taken me these past 2 years. I am a firm believer that God has His plan and that is all that matters. I work hard everyday to live in the present.
The goal is to stay focused and keep smiling.
My children were not raised in this house, therefore it is not so hard to let it go. We made wonderful memories there - had lots of family functions. Those times will live forever in my heart.
What does amaze me is how much crap we accumulated in the last 13 years!!! AND, there are boxes in the garage that have never been opened since we moved them here!! Everyone knows how happy I am when I am throwing stuff away. The Prince often jokes that if he stands still for too long, I will either wash him or toss him in the garbage!
I must give accolades to Uncle Little Michael (aka, The Godfather) for making this as stress-free as possible. He has boxed things, tossed things, and moved things - all with a smile on his face. He would often say, "Mom, what is causing you the most stress?" - then he would do something about it.
Thank you, my son, for all that you do.
I could not have predicted where life has taken me these past 2 years. I am a firm believer that God has His plan and that is all that matters. I work hard everyday to live in the present.
The goal is to stay focused and keep smiling.
Monday, April 24, 2017
Define "family"
Define the word "family"...... BUT, think about it before you do..... REALLY think about it....
There is immediate family: parents and siblings
Which later on encompasses: a spouse, in-laws, and your children
Which then includes: Grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins
Then you add: the friends you've had forever - and their kids/grandkids
THEN, the unthinkable happens (A death) and your family is fractured.....
If you are fortunate, someone special may come along and your family tree can start to blossom and thrive once again.....
Add: "Someone special", his children, their spouses, their children....
I am thinking "family" is not a 'thing to be defined', but a feeling..... I am so grateful to be able to 'feel' again.
Monday, April 10, 2017
We are 4...
We are 4 widows. We met a little over a year ago. We became friends in an instant. We understood each other. We supported each other. We helped each other move forward.
We are 4 widows. We had all been married for 35+ years. We were all faced with the everlasting change in our lives. We understood that it was more than just losing a spouse. Our lives, as we knew them, ceased to exist. You can't explain that phenomenon to someone who has not experienced it. People will say they understand. Some people even think they understand. Some might even "write the script" on how they think we should proceed with our lives.
We are 4 widows. We are always there for each other. Somehow, we always know the 'right' words to say to comfort and support each other. One of us can start a sentence, and the others will be able to finish it. We get it. We have learned how to curse like sailors and cry a million tears.
We are 4 widows. We have walked together to begin our new lives. This was was not a path we chose, but a path we were put on, side by side. We have helped each other realize that we were not 'broken', but just injured and we would eventually heal. We now know there will always be scars, but those scars will fade. We have taught each other that it is possible to laugh again - really laugh and cry happy tears. We have learned that it is possible to love again.
We are 4 vibrant, strong, sexy, incredible women.
We are 4 widows. We had all been married for 35+ years. We were all faced with the everlasting change in our lives. We understood that it was more than just losing a spouse. Our lives, as we knew them, ceased to exist. You can't explain that phenomenon to someone who has not experienced it. People will say they understand. Some people even think they understand. Some might even "write the script" on how they think we should proceed with our lives.
We are 4 widows. We are always there for each other. Somehow, we always know the 'right' words to say to comfort and support each other. One of us can start a sentence, and the others will be able to finish it. We get it. We have learned how to curse like sailors and cry a million tears.
We are 4 widows. We have walked together to begin our new lives. This was was not a path we chose, but a path we were put on, side by side. We have helped each other realize that we were not 'broken', but just injured and we would eventually heal. We now know there will always be scars, but those scars will fade. We have taught each other that it is possible to laugh again - really laugh and cry happy tears. We have learned that it is possible to love again.
We are 4 vibrant, strong, sexy, incredible women.
Tuesday, April 04, 2017
Dancing With The Stars!
The Prince and I are taking Dance Lessons. Every Monday night, for 2 hours, we don our dancing shoes and work very hard to learn something new. This is followed up by nightly dance sessions in our kitchen (usually in pajamas) where we try to remember everything we were taught that week.
The fox trot, merengue, tango and salsa are our newly acquired talents! (talents??) We have also learned:
We CAN stay up past 9:00pm
We CAN move steadily for 2 consecutive hours
We CAN follow directions
We CAN laugh at our mistakes and revel in our victories
We CAN fall in love over and over
It's not how good the dance is..... it's all about how much we enjoy our lives.
The fox trot, merengue, tango and salsa are our newly acquired talents! (talents??) We have also learned:
We CAN stay up past 9:00pm
We CAN move steadily for 2 consecutive hours
We CAN follow directions
We CAN laugh at our mistakes and revel in our victories
We CAN fall in love over and over
It's not how good the dance is..... it's all about how much we enjoy our lives.
Thursday, March 30, 2017
On the road to recovery
The Prince and I have just survived our first medical emergency.
He had been fighting a cold for about a week - and we both thought he was winning the battle until that one morning when he just did not look so good to me. I stayed with him just to watch him for a while and he started to look a little better, so I went to work. A few hours later, I texted him and he told me he was sleeping all morning, but I just did not like the combination of too much sleep and the way he looked in the morning. I left work early and took him to Urgent Care (in his pajamas, as he said he just did not want to get dressed). From Urgent Care, we headed to the hospital (after I made a pit stop home to give the contractor the key, and pick up a few items for the two of us as I was preparing for the inevitable).
My prince had the beginnings of bilateral pneumonia. The X-Rays proved that it was just in the earliest stage. They opted to admit him ("us" actually, as I was not leaving his side) and promptly put us in isolation. They filled him full of round the clock IV Antibiotics and we killed the time talking, laughing and playing games on our phones. There was some sleep involved, but mostly for him. As I think I have perfected the art of sleeping at a hospital bedside on chairs, my mind was racing the whole time and sleep mostly evaded me.
I am happy to say that all's well that ends well. Thank you to the doctors and nurses who took such good care of my honey. Thank you to my sonny boy who hurried to our house and picked up all the dogs so I didn't have to come home at all. Thank you to my contractor who finished our bathroom and took such good care of our house. Thank you to the "C-Unit" for having the trust in me to take care of their Dad.
Thank you, God, for my new life.
He had been fighting a cold for about a week - and we both thought he was winning the battle until that one morning when he just did not look so good to me. I stayed with him just to watch him for a while and he started to look a little better, so I went to work. A few hours later, I texted him and he told me he was sleeping all morning, but I just did not like the combination of too much sleep and the way he looked in the morning. I left work early and took him to Urgent Care (in his pajamas, as he said he just did not want to get dressed). From Urgent Care, we headed to the hospital (after I made a pit stop home to give the contractor the key, and pick up a few items for the two of us as I was preparing for the inevitable).
My prince had the beginnings of bilateral pneumonia. The X-Rays proved that it was just in the earliest stage. They opted to admit him ("us" actually, as I was not leaving his side) and promptly put us in isolation. They filled him full of round the clock IV Antibiotics and we killed the time talking, laughing and playing games on our phones. There was some sleep involved, but mostly for him. As I think I have perfected the art of sleeping at a hospital bedside on chairs, my mind was racing the whole time and sleep mostly evaded me.
I am happy to say that all's well that ends well. Thank you to the doctors and nurses who took such good care of my honey. Thank you to my sonny boy who hurried to our house and picked up all the dogs so I didn't have to come home at all. Thank you to my contractor who finished our bathroom and took such good care of our house. Thank you to the "C-Unit" for having the trust in me to take care of their Dad.
Thank you, God, for my new life.
Wednesday, March 15, 2017
Things I have learned (or re-learned) lately....
Even when you think your heart is at maximum capacity, you can always love a little more.
I can't please all of the people all of the time. I can't even please some of the people all of the time! I must remember to be pleased with myself MOST of the time!
Going through life with someone who loves me by my side is a whole lot better than doing it alone. (I already knew this - I am just so grateful that God sent me my Prince.)
Every time I hold our new granddaughter, I am reminded that life, indeed, does go on.
"Things" have no value - they can be bought, sold, and tossed away. People have value. Memories have value.
Change is inevitable. No need to "write the book" for the future. It is a lot more exciting to live it as it happens.
There are happy tears and there are sad tears. Both have a purpose in my life.
The wisest people know that wealth is not measured in dollars.
"I am wealthy."
I can't please all of the people all of the time. I can't even please some of the people all of the time! I must remember to be pleased with myself MOST of the time!
Going through life with someone who loves me by my side is a whole lot better than doing it alone. (I already knew this - I am just so grateful that God sent me my Prince.)
Every time I hold our new granddaughter, I am reminded that life, indeed, does go on.
"Things" have no value - they can be bought, sold, and tossed away. People have value. Memories have value.
Change is inevitable. No need to "write the book" for the future. It is a lot more exciting to live it as it happens.
There are happy tears and there are sad tears. Both have a purpose in my life.
The wisest people know that wealth is not measured in dollars.
"I am wealthy."
Friday, February 24, 2017
My heart grows.....again....
"Our" granddaugher arrived last week. Jamie was born 2/16/17. She is beautiful, she is perfect, and she is loved.
Jamie is so fortunate to be born into this amazing family. She has wonderful parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles and cousins who will tend to her every earthly need. She also has her Papa, (Mr. Wonderful) in Heaven to watch over her and protect her all the days of her life.
There is nothing more precious than a child. I truly believe that you can NEVER love TOO MANY children. God has blessed me with many "grandchildren" who are not blood-related. Each one has enriched my life and broadened my heart.
I am so grateful that there will ALWAYS be room for one more......
Jamie is so fortunate to be born into this amazing family. She has wonderful parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles and cousins who will tend to her every earthly need. She also has her Papa, (Mr. Wonderful) in Heaven to watch over her and protect her all the days of her life.
There is nothing more precious than a child. I truly believe that you can NEVER love TOO MANY children. God has blessed me with many "grandchildren" who are not blood-related. Each one has enriched my life and broadened my heart.
I am so grateful that there will ALWAYS be room for one more......
Wednesday, February 22, 2017
I got a promotion!
My Prince and I have spoken of our relationship many times - and where we saw it heading. We were both committed to each other, that was clear to us. He loves me dearly and I feel the same. That being said, marriage is out of the question as it makes no sense at our age and we both have chldren to consider. I told him many times that I would gladly be his partner for the next 35 years!!
I had a very memorable Valentine's Day. My prince outdid himself and made a very special effort to make sure this was a day I would not soon forget! The very last gift for me to open was:
I had a very memorable Valentine's Day. My prince outdid himself and made a very special effort to make sure this was a day I would not soon forget! The very last gift for me to open was:
Tuesday, February 07, 2017
To My Grandchild.....
To my Grandchild:
We have all been waiting for months for you to arrive. It is just down to a matter of days right now. There are so many things I want you to know and I will say them all to you once you are in my arms, but, for now, I will write some things down so you can read them later.
You are being born into a very special family. We are loud and we are crazy. We work hard and we play even harder. Most importantly, we LOVE like no others! When one member of this family is in pain, we all hurt. And, when one member of this family has something to celebrate, we will all shout it from the highest rooftop and party like fools!
I think what I want you know most is that you were loved before you even arrived! We talked about you incessantly and made silly plans for you. You had secured a place in all our hearts before we even knew your name!! We all talked about how we were going to spoil you (and how your parents were going to hate us!)
I know you will be held, hugged and kissed for as long as you will let us. I know that every holiday and every gathering will be centered around you. I know that we will all look into your eyes and realize what a gift from God you are.
When you are ready to arrive, my angel, we will all be there - (if not in person, in spirit) to welcome you...
Your grandmother
We have all been waiting for months for you to arrive. It is just down to a matter of days right now. There are so many things I want you to know and I will say them all to you once you are in my arms, but, for now, I will write some things down so you can read them later.
You are being born into a very special family. We are loud and we are crazy. We work hard and we play even harder. Most importantly, we LOVE like no others! When one member of this family is in pain, we all hurt. And, when one member of this family has something to celebrate, we will all shout it from the highest rooftop and party like fools!
I think what I want you know most is that you were loved before you even arrived! We talked about you incessantly and made silly plans for you. You had secured a place in all our hearts before we even knew your name!! We all talked about how we were going to spoil you (and how your parents were going to hate us!)
I know you will be held, hugged and kissed for as long as you will let us. I know that every holiday and every gathering will be centered around you. I know that we will all look into your eyes and realize what a gift from God you are.
When you are ready to arrive, my angel, we will all be there - (if not in person, in spirit) to welcome you...
Your grandmother
Monday, February 06, 2017
If It's Thursday, we must be seeing.......
As I mentioned once or 22 times, between the Prince and I, there are lots of kids.
I am a "text book" Italian mom. I believe we need to see each other often and talk even more often. This is fine for my kids - they are so used to hearing my voice. My children all live rather close-by, so seeing them on a weeknight is not unheard of.
The Prince, on the other hand, has his offspring spread a little further away. There needs to be careful planning and often, an overnight stay. However, that's no obstacle for a couple who decide it is time for us to see "the kids"! There is a laundry list of chores to be complete before we hit the road: book hotel, make arrangements for the dog, pack the clothes, pack snacks for the car, remember to take phone chargers!, pack more snacks for the car. We seem to have this process down "to a dance" (yes, everything is music/dance related!)
This weekend, we were up at 4:30am and hit the road by 5. Our drive consisted of drinking coffee, singing to the "oldies", talking endlessly and just looking forward to our time with the grandkids. Upon entering their house and hearing the squeals of delight, surely there was no place else we would have wanted to be! Spending time with children, and their candid demeanor was like getting the batteries in our heart fully charged!
Impromptu hugs and kisses, reading book after book, sharing meals, little hands reaching up to hold our hands - a memorable trip.

I am a "text book" Italian mom. I believe we need to see each other often and talk even more often. This is fine for my kids - they are so used to hearing my voice. My children all live rather close-by, so seeing them on a weeknight is not unheard of.
The Prince, on the other hand, has his offspring spread a little further away. There needs to be careful planning and often, an overnight stay. However, that's no obstacle for a couple who decide it is time for us to see "the kids"! There is a laundry list of chores to be complete before we hit the road: book hotel, make arrangements for the dog, pack the clothes, pack snacks for the car, remember to take phone chargers!, pack more snacks for the car. We seem to have this process down "to a dance" (yes, everything is music/dance related!)
This weekend, we were up at 4:30am and hit the road by 5. Our drive consisted of drinking coffee, singing to the "oldies", talking endlessly and just looking forward to our time with the grandkids. Upon entering their house and hearing the squeals of delight, surely there was no place else we would have wanted to be! Spending time with children, and their candid demeanor was like getting the batteries in our heart fully charged!
Impromptu hugs and kisses, reading book after book, sharing meals, little hands reaching up to hold our hands - a memorable trip.
Monday, January 23, 2017
Another First!
The Prince and I just returned from a vacation in Florida. We booked this a while ago....quite early in our relationship, actually! WHAT WAS I THINKING????
I'll tell you what I was thinking..... I've met a wonderful man. He is sweet and kind and treats me like a lady. He makes me laugh and I look forward to seeing him every single day. This man asked me to join him on a trip to Florida in January.... Of course I want to go!! "Yes", I eagerly responded! Only time would tell if this trip would actually come to fruition.
Well, the trip did happen - and it was fabulous! My daughter says the true test of a relationship is going away and spending 24/7 together. Well, we spent the last 9 days together - NON-STOP.... We were both a little sad when I had to go to work today.
I am so grateful for this second chance at life. Perhaps it is the history that we bring to the table, but we both seem to enjoy each and every day together. We continue to make simple, but sweet memories. Whether we are cleaning the house, doing the Sunday crossword or slow dancing in the kitchen, we manage to savor each moment and take nothing for granted.
"Tomorrow" is promised to no one..... so grateful for our 'todays'.
I'll tell you what I was thinking..... I've met a wonderful man. He is sweet and kind and treats me like a lady. He makes me laugh and I look forward to seeing him every single day. This man asked me to join him on a trip to Florida in January.... Of course I want to go!! "Yes", I eagerly responded! Only time would tell if this trip would actually come to fruition.
Well, the trip did happen - and it was fabulous! My daughter says the true test of a relationship is going away and spending 24/7 together. Well, we spent the last 9 days together - NON-STOP.... We were both a little sad when I had to go to work today.
I am so grateful for this second chance at life. Perhaps it is the history that we bring to the table, but we both seem to enjoy each and every day together. We continue to make simple, but sweet memories. Whether we are cleaning the house, doing the Sunday crossword or slow dancing in the kitchen, we manage to savor each moment and take nothing for granted.
"Tomorrow" is promised to no one..... so grateful for our 'todays'.
Monday, January 09, 2017
I'm how old???
I am 60. There, I've said it out loud! It's really not such a big deal, but I've had fun pretending it was. Nearly all my friends have passed this benchmark already. I took every opportunity to remind them how "young" I was and they all reveled in the fact that I have finally moved over to "the dark side".
This was not only a 'milestone' birthday, but a very special one indeed. My kids had a "surprise" party for me on New Year's Day. I thought we were getting together for brunch - and we did - but with balloons, a sash and a tiara! Allison cooked up an amazing spread and the weather was just picture perfect. Their thoughtful, generous gifts were second to the best birthday cards I have ever received. Even my Prince presented me with the most perfect card!!
I thought the celebration was over until I arrived home after work on my birthday. There were balloons on the lamppost and mailbox. PC showered me with more gifts and yet ANOTHER perfect card (it's all about the card, ya know!)
Age is just a number - if you let it be so. All I want to do is enjoy my life....everyday, and hope for another birthday.
This was not only a 'milestone' birthday, but a very special one indeed. My kids had a "surprise" party for me on New Year's Day. I thought we were getting together for brunch - and we did - but with balloons, a sash and a tiara! Allison cooked up an amazing spread and the weather was just picture perfect. Their thoughtful, generous gifts were second to the best birthday cards I have ever received. Even my Prince presented me with the most perfect card!!
I thought the celebration was over until I arrived home after work on my birthday. There were balloons on the lamppost and mailbox. PC showered me with more gifts and yet ANOTHER perfect card (it's all about the card, ya know!)
Age is just a number - if you let it be so. All I want to do is enjoy my life....everyday, and hope for another birthday.
Sunday, January 01, 2017
New Year's Resolutions?
I have never been big on New Year's Resolutions.... but I do try to make subtle changes to better myself all the time. There have been many positive changes in my life this year. I am aware and grateful for every one of them.
Rather than a list of Resolutions, I think I checklist is better suited for me right now:
Always be grateful for my blessings. They are present in my everyday life and I must never take them for granted.
Remember to look for the good in people. Sometimes, I will have to look long and hard, but, with perseverance, I will always find it.
It's the little things that matter. The price of gas or the closing numbers of the stock market will not make me sleep better. But if I was the reason someone smiled, I will have a happy heart.
I will tell those that are close to me that I love them all the time. Saying it and hearing it will etch the sentiment in our hearts.
Above all, never stop being the "romantic realist"
Happy New Year.... Welcome 2017.
Rather than a list of Resolutions, I think I checklist is better suited for me right now:
Always be grateful for my blessings. They are present in my everyday life and I must never take them for granted.
Remember to look for the good in people. Sometimes, I will have to look long and hard, but, with perseverance, I will always find it.
It's the little things that matter. The price of gas or the closing numbers of the stock market will not make me sleep better. But if I was the reason someone smiled, I will have a happy heart.
I will tell those that are close to me that I love them all the time. Saying it and hearing it will etch the sentiment in our hearts.
Above all, never stop being the "romantic realist"
Happy New Year.... Welcome 2017.
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