It has been a while since I posted - but with good reason. My Mah-Jongg group went on a field trip of sorts. We went to our favorite restaurant where a famous psychic (Robert Hansen)was going to do some 'readings'. Let me preface this by saying I am a true skeptic of such nonsense, but I am a team player and I was going along with the gang.
After a lovely dinner, Robert Hansen came into the restaurant and introduced himself. He told us a little about his life and tried to explain what was going to happen that evening. He said that the "spirits" would talk to him and they would guide him to people in the room - that we could not approach him.
He stopped for a moment. Closed his eyes. Opened his eyes and made a bee line for ME. He asked me, "Does the Coast Guard mean anything to you?" As you all know, my dad died 2 years ago and he belonged to the Coast Guard in his younger years.
Mr. Hansen closed his eyes once again, then he began to talk to me again. He said, "Your Dad wants you to know that he understands that you could not be with him when he died. He understands that if you could have been there, you would have been there." Again, those of you who know me, know that I did not get down to Florida until after he died.
Mr. Hansen said, "Your Dad tells me there was someone there telling him it was ok to let go. He is grateful that this person did that for him. He says he is happy to be out of that body and he is happy now". - My sister sat with him and talked to him and told him what a good father he was and that it was ok for him to go now.
Mr. Hansen asked me if I go to the cemetery. I told him I did not. He was quiet for a moment, then said, "Are you sure you haven't been to the cemetery?" - I reassured him that I had not. Then he said, "In the Jewish religion, when people visit the cemetery, it is customary for them to put rocks on the headstones. Your father is telling me that you TOOK stones from his cemetery, is that true?"
The tears just ran down my face. No one knew this, but I wanted to take something back to NY with me. On the day my father was laid to rest, I reached down and picked up several small stones close to my father's grave site and put them in my pocket.
This is just a glimpse of what happened that night. He spoke to me for over a half hour. Someone at our table had the foresight to bring a tape recorder and my son made me a CD of the transaction.
Towards the end of the evening, Mr. Hansen passed my table and said, "Your father said he got the pack of cigarettes you guys put in his coffin and he thanks you for that!" Yes, my kids put a pack of cigarettes in there, AND a lighter, and lots of other things that I am glad he did not mention in front of that crowd!
There is no possible way Mr. Hansen could have known the things he mentioned to me. NO ONE knew about the stones in my pocket. Am I believer? Let's just say I am a lot less skeptical now.