I love getting Christmas cards - especially when they contain pictures of kids! It is wonderful to watch my cousins' kids grow up in pictures!
I don't keep a "Christmas Card List" - you know the list - 'I didn't get one from them last year, so I don't have to send them one this year'. I have an address book that I started when we first got married. There are only 2 criteria to getting a card from me - your address must be in that book (which I update constantly) and you must be alive! It warms my heart to see the cousins' kids who got married (and are no longer eligible to be added to their parents' cards) are also sending me cards now. These little things are what keeps family connected.
I have been exchanging Christmas cards for 30 years with the parents of someone who was a friend of mine when we were teenagers! I love their card the best - I don't see them during the year, so I get to send them a hand written note of some of the best highlights of each year. I always look forward to getting their card and reading the warm response they always have after receiving mine. THIS IS WHAT HOLIDAYS ARE ALL ABOUT!
I don't care how much postage increases, this is one tradition I will never give up.
Thursday, December 20, 2007
Monday, December 17, 2007
The List
I think I have things under control. The cards are sent, the outdoor decorations are going up today. The cookies are baked. The stockings are hung, the shopping is near complete. The menu is finalized - but I still feel like something is missing..... THE TREE!!
Next year, I must put that closer to the top of the list!
Next year, I must put that closer to the top of the list!
Thursday, December 13, 2007
Friday, December 07, 2007
A Vet, he's not
Bobby has a fish tank. It's rather new and so he is still paying attention to all the details that keep it fresh and clean looking. He was recently doing a "water exchange" - where he empties some of the water and replaces it with fresh, oxygenated water - when a tragedy occurred. One of his fish got sucked up into the drain hose. The noise startled him and when he saw what was happening, he immediately cut the line and tried to rescue the fish.
Mr. Wonderful, hearing the commotion, came running. "I think I can save it", he said. He immediately took the fish and began swishing it around in the fish tank. When nothing happened, he took the fish and THREW it into the fish tank (trying to shock him,I think). Bobby stood by, helpless. He was also trying not to pee his pants at the site of his father breaking a sweat while attemption to bring a 2 inch tropical fish back to life.
Finally, they gave the fish a decent send off - into the tropical fish whirlpool, otherwise known as the porcelain throne. May he rest in peace.
Mr. Wonderful, hearing the commotion, came running. "I think I can save it", he said. He immediately took the fish and began swishing it around in the fish tank. When nothing happened, he took the fish and THREW it into the fish tank (trying to shock him,I think). Bobby stood by, helpless. He was also trying not to pee his pants at the site of his father breaking a sweat while attemption to bring a 2 inch tropical fish back to life.
Finally, they gave the fish a decent send off - into the tropical fish whirlpool, otherwise known as the porcelain throne. May he rest in peace.
Tuesday, December 04, 2007
Wedded Bliss
Yesterday we celebrated our 30th wedding anniversary. Quite a milestone in today's day and age. I worked just a half day and rushed home to be with Mr. Wonderful. We made plans to go out for a special dinner and just spend some time together. The weather was especially frigid and the winds were gusting at 35+mph. As we were getting ready to leave, Mr. W. asked which restaurant I wanted to go to - I said, "I get to choose? Anywhere?" He nodded in agreement. After much thought (about 2.5 seconds) I declared - "LET'S STAY HOME AND DO TAKE-OUT, MAKE A FIRE AND WATCH TV!"
I remember early in our married life - we would go out to eat once a year, on our anniversary IF we could afford it. This year, it was nice to have the option...
I remember early in our married life - we would go out to eat once a year, on our anniversary IF we could afford it. This year, it was nice to have the option...
Monday, November 26, 2007
Let's go to ACE
About 3 weeks ago I purchased a pre-lit, 4 foot, 3 dimensional snowman for our front yard. It is also motorized, as he continually tips his hat. It was simply adorable, and I HAD to have it. I purchased it on-line at a HUGE discount ($10.99 with free shipping). I saw the same snowman at Bed, Bath and Beyond for $58!! I have been staring at the box since it arrived, anticipating the moment after we assembled it and plugged it in.
I FINALLY talked Mr. Wonderful into opening the box this weekend. Much to my dismay, it was a nightmare to assemble. I should have known, as this 4 foot wonder fit into a box no larger than a 24" square! After an hour of grumbling and fumbling with all the lights, we plugged it in - first the motor - it was great, he was tipping his hat at just the right speed. Now the lights - The good news? his hat, head and arms, and lower torso are working just fine. The bad news? His middle area just refuses to work! UGH! - WHY DIDN'T WE PLUG THEM IN PRIOR TO ATTACHING THEM TO THE METAL FRAME??!!?!?!
After reading the insert, which was carefully tucked into the folded bottom of the box, we realized we had 2 options - take off all the lights and send them back to the manufacturer for a replacement set - OR go buy some lights and get it done NOW.
As I mentioned in the past, Mr. W is retired and his definition of NOW is MUCH different than MY definition of NOW. I would have gone to ACE and purchased the lights immediately (my definition of NOW). Mr. W. has reassured me that he will go buy the replacement set of lights real soon (his definition of NOW).
My Holiday spirit is at ACE Hardware - so much for my bargain priced snowman. Hopefully, NOW will happen sooner than later...
I FINALLY talked Mr. Wonderful into opening the box this weekend. Much to my dismay, it was a nightmare to assemble. I should have known, as this 4 foot wonder fit into a box no larger than a 24" square! After an hour of grumbling and fumbling with all the lights, we plugged it in - first the motor - it was great, he was tipping his hat at just the right speed. Now the lights - The good news? his hat, head and arms, and lower torso are working just fine. The bad news? His middle area just refuses to work! UGH! - WHY DIDN'T WE PLUG THEM IN PRIOR TO ATTACHING THEM TO THE METAL FRAME??!!?!?!
After reading the insert, which was carefully tucked into the folded bottom of the box, we realized we had 2 options - take off all the lights and send them back to the manufacturer for a replacement set - OR go buy some lights and get it done NOW.
As I mentioned in the past, Mr. W is retired and his definition of NOW is MUCH different than MY definition of NOW. I would have gone to ACE and purchased the lights immediately (my definition of NOW). Mr. W. has reassured me that he will go buy the replacement set of lights real soon (his definition of NOW).
My Holiday spirit is at ACE Hardware - so much for my bargain priced snowman. Hopefully, NOW will happen sooner than later...
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
2007 Holiday Season begins...
It was 'raw to the bone' yesterday. The kind of cold that seeps through to your bones and the air just feels like it wants to drop snow. I guess Winter is making an early appearance this year. Time to drag out all my velvet clothes - I have a penchant for velvet jogging suits. They are warm and soft - AND ALL HAVE ELASTIC WAIST!
It was a perfect evening. Mr. W made a roaring fire and we were graced with a visit from Bobby and Suse (a rare occasion to have them sit upstairs with us instead of hibernating in the downstairs den). A nice beginning to the official start of the 'holiday season'.
I will start to prepare for Thanksgiving Dinner tonight. We will not be hosting it this year. (This is the first Holiday without my lovely granddaughters - I guess I MUST learn to share them.) We are going to Lou and Wendy's house. I offered to bring a couple side dishes (stuffing, potatoes, yams). Bobby is making his 'World Famous' White Sangria. There will only be 8 of us (I remember when that seemed like a crowd!) - we will all do something.
There is much to be thankful for...
It was a perfect evening. Mr. W made a roaring fire and we were graced with a visit from Bobby and Suse (a rare occasion to have them sit upstairs with us instead of hibernating in the downstairs den). A nice beginning to the official start of the 'holiday season'.
I will start to prepare for Thanksgiving Dinner tonight. We will not be hosting it this year. (This is the first Holiday without my lovely granddaughters - I guess I MUST learn to share them.) We are going to Lou and Wendy's house. I offered to bring a couple side dishes (stuffing, potatoes, yams). Bobby is making his 'World Famous' White Sangria. There will only be 8 of us (I remember when that seemed like a crowd!) - we will all do something.
There is much to be thankful for...
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
A Blessing / Mitzvah
When we moved into our home 3 years ago, there was a Mezuzah afixed to the front doorway. Although I am a practicing Catholic (12 years of Catholic School, uniforms and knee socks), I saw no reason to remove it. A blessing from God, is a blessing from God. And so the Mezuzah remained until the demolition began. Mr. Wonderful removed said Mezuzah prior to the removal of the old front doors and we put it safely away.
Upon completion of our new facade, my sister-in-law's mother, Adele presented us with a brand new Mezuzah to replace the old one. This woman is a true role model for all women. She is 81 years old and still works 3 nights a week (she is a RN in a local nursing home). She plays in 3 weekly Mah Jong games (one of which is held at my house - Wednesday is pizza night as the girls arrive promptly at 6:30!). She is an active member of her temple and is present at services every Friday night. She attends weekly bible classes every Saturday morning to better understand the writings contained. What is her secret??? I think I know - she never stopped learning, never stopped living, never stopped doing. Her faith remains strong - even burying her parents, husband and a son did not shatter her belief in God.
Sensing that Mr. Wonderful and I were being put through the wringer by a strange set of circumstances (all the kids seem to have one crisis or another right now), Adele suggested that we 'change our luck' and finally hang our new Mezuzah (which had been sitting on our kitchen counter for a year). Mr. W. gladly afixed it to our front doorway last night.
I am sure that Mezuzah has sacred meaning to many people, but to us it holds a very specific, significant feeling. A feeling that a very special woman has thought enough of us to share her religious beliefs to help to protect us and shield us from all that is evil in this world. Thank you, Adele, for loving us.
Upon completion of our new facade, my sister-in-law's mother, Adele presented us with a brand new Mezuzah to replace the old one. This woman is a true role model for all women. She is 81 years old and still works 3 nights a week (she is a RN in a local nursing home). She plays in 3 weekly Mah Jong games (one of which is held at my house - Wednesday is pizza night as the girls arrive promptly at 6:30!). She is an active member of her temple and is present at services every Friday night. She attends weekly bible classes every Saturday morning to better understand the writings contained. What is her secret??? I think I know - she never stopped learning, never stopped living, never stopped doing. Her faith remains strong - even burying her parents, husband and a son did not shatter her belief in God.
Sensing that Mr. Wonderful and I were being put through the wringer by a strange set of circumstances (all the kids seem to have one crisis or another right now), Adele suggested that we 'change our luck' and finally hang our new Mezuzah (which had been sitting on our kitchen counter for a year). Mr. W. gladly afixed it to our front doorway last night.
I am sure that Mezuzah has sacred meaning to many people, but to us it holds a very specific, significant feeling. A feeling that a very special woman has thought enough of us to share her religious beliefs to help to protect us and shield us from all that is evil in this world. Thank you, Adele, for loving us.
Thursday, November 08, 2007
Can I quit?
Had a thought - ran it by a cousin - Is it possible to quit the job of "parent"? - She said no - I'm still thinking about it.
No one told me that the job could get harder as the offspring aged. I was under the impression that it was supposed to get easier! (HA HA HA)
No one told me it would cost as much as it does. I thought the older they got, the more independent/less needy they became.
Someone forgot to mention that they can cause so much marital stress - Thank goodness Mr. Wonderful agrees with me most of the time (or else he would have a different name!)
Doesn't every job have paid holidays and vacations? Then why do mine always COST me so much money??? ...and another thing - I am pretty sure there is no pension plan with this job, either!
I think I might have to dust off my resume - There's got to be better offers out there, somewhere! In the meantime, I will continue to show up for work, everyday - I'll let you know if something better comes along...
No one told me that the job could get harder as the offspring aged. I was under the impression that it was supposed to get easier! (HA HA HA)
No one told me it would cost as much as it does. I thought the older they got, the more independent/less needy they became.
Someone forgot to mention that they can cause so much marital stress - Thank goodness Mr. Wonderful agrees with me most of the time (or else he would have a different name!)
Doesn't every job have paid holidays and vacations? Then why do mine always COST me so much money??? ...and another thing - I am pretty sure there is no pension plan with this job, either!
I think I might have to dust off my resume - There's got to be better offers out there, somewhere! In the meantime, I will continue to show up for work, everyday - I'll let you know if something better comes along...
Monday, November 05, 2007
A "Comfort" Weekend
This weekend we had the pleasure of attending another cousin's wedding. There were 7 of the original cousins there. The wedding was just wonderful - the bride and groom were glowing.
The real party was the interaction amongst the "cousins". It didn't matter that some of us hadn't seen each other in years. There were no awkward moments. We seemed to cling to each other - soak up each others words. The hugs were real, not merely obligatory. The laughs were genuine belly laughs! The tears were understood, no words necessary.
There will always be parties and gatherings of all sorts; but there is nothing that compares to family getting together to share a happy occasion such as a wedding.
I will look back on this weekend with many mixed emotions. Smiling at the funny times, tearing up at the emotional moments. I am so grateful for the camaraderie we all share.
Thank you "Anonymous" for our special dance.
Thank you, Matriarch, for a most memorable weekend.
The real party was the interaction amongst the "cousins". It didn't matter that some of us hadn't seen each other in years. There were no awkward moments. We seemed to cling to each other - soak up each others words. The hugs were real, not merely obligatory. The laughs were genuine belly laughs! The tears were understood, no words necessary.
There will always be parties and gatherings of all sorts; but there is nothing that compares to family getting together to share a happy occasion such as a wedding.
I will look back on this weekend with many mixed emotions. Smiling at the funny times, tearing up at the emotional moments. I am so grateful for the camaraderie we all share.
Thank you "Anonymous" for our special dance.
Thank you, Matriarch, for a most memorable weekend.
Thursday, November 01, 2007
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
SHHH, do you hear that?
There was a certain hush throughout the house last night. The atmosphere was very conducive to sleeping! I love when my kids come home - I love when they GO BACK TO THEIR HOME, TOO! We are fortunate - we have kids who actually enjoy being around eachother. These last couple days were very heartwarming (and loud) - it was like the kids could not get enough of eachother.
Mr. Wonderful and I are very comfortable with eachother. We can sit quietly for hours - sometimes, we just just read together or watch TV. If we are next to eachother, we still hold hands. We are used to commotion, as raising 5 kids is synonymous with commotion - I guess that is why we still treasure our quiet times. I will miss the noise - but only for a little while.
Mr. Wonderful and I are very comfortable with eachother. We can sit quietly for hours - sometimes, we just just read together or watch TV. If we are next to eachother, we still hold hands. We are used to commotion, as raising 5 kids is synonymous with commotion - I guess that is why we still treasure our quiet times. I will miss the noise - but only for a little while.
Saturday, October 27, 2007
And then there were 16
I am TOTALLY exhausted. We had the whole (extended) family over for dinner last night. We ate like royalty: Antipasto, Breads, (prosciutto bread, cheese bread, etc.) Freshly Fried Meatballs, Rigatoni ala Vodka, Sausage and Peppers, Eggplant Parmagiana, Chopped Salad and Italian Pastries for dessert! Not to mention lots of good wine and many "special" Lemoncello shots! Going out to dinner is fun, but having a houseful of people enjoying good food and laughter - nothing compares to that.
Thursday, October 25, 2007
Just in time
I left work a half hour early yesterday. I was anxious to get home and be with the kids. We were making a nice dinner and Michelle and "Fred" were going to join us.
When I walked into the house, the kids were in the kitchen and it was obvious that they were trying to distract me and keep me from walking in there. I got home just in time - they were dying my dog with Red Kool Aid!! They only managed to get his legs and tail finished before I got home. I can only imagine what my poor dog would have looked like if I came home my usual time!!
It was all too funny for me to be upset.....
When I walked into the house, the kids were in the kitchen and it was obvious that they were trying to distract me and keep me from walking in there. I got home just in time - they were dying my dog with Red Kool Aid!! They only managed to get his legs and tail finished before I got home. I can only imagine what my poor dog would have looked like if I came home my usual time!!
It was all too funny for me to be upset.....
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Cocktail time?
Allison, Annie and Moe have arrived. Yes, the cat came back to visit Mr. W. (at HIS insistence - Mr. W's that is). I love when they come - there's lots of laughs and hugs - not to mention lots of fine dining....
Another First
My precious granddaughter, Ally, has lost her first tooth. The tooth fairy was extremely generous - I guess even tooth rewards have escalated throughout the years. Another milestone, another first.
It makes me wonder if I can remember when my first child lost her first tooth? I remember the incident clearly, but sadly, I can put no time value on it. How old was she? What was the season? Why did I not enjoy these simple pleasures as they were happening?
I guess aging does bring wisdom. I have learned to treasure every event, no matter how incidental. Everything matters, but there is very little that is serious (grave). I do notice the changing colors of the leaves more now. I have seen more sunsets in the past 3 years than I have in my whole life. I take such pleasure in the prizes of our vegetable garden. I wait with anticipation as Mr. Wonderful changes the plants on the steps of our home to match the season.
In conclusion, I take note of life now.
Thank you, Ally.
It makes me wonder if I can remember when my first child lost her first tooth? I remember the incident clearly, but sadly, I can put no time value on it. How old was she? What was the season? Why did I not enjoy these simple pleasures as they were happening?
I guess aging does bring wisdom. I have learned to treasure every event, no matter how incidental. Everything matters, but there is very little that is serious (grave). I do notice the changing colors of the leaves more now. I have seen more sunsets in the past 3 years than I have in my whole life. I take such pleasure in the prizes of our vegetable garden. I wait with anticipation as Mr. Wonderful changes the plants on the steps of our home to match the season.
In conclusion, I take note of life now.
Thank you, Ally.
Saturday, October 20, 2007
Another one rescued!
I have named this one "Cali" as in calico (original, no?). Mr. Wonderful heard him crying in our front flower bed and brought him in (what else would he do with it?). He taught it to eat solid food and use a littler box, while I was using up every stored favor trying to find it a home.
I am happy to say, Cali is now a resident of Staten Island with an 11 yr. old girl and a much older brother cat. I wish Cali a long, healthy life.

Saturday, October 13, 2007
A "Mother's" Day
Well, it's official. Michelle and "Fred" have booked the hall. This coming Mother's Day, we will once again be eating dinner "out" - but this time, it will be at the reception of our daughter's wedding.
She has asked that her father and I walk her down the aisle to "give her away". Today, she is my favorite child!
It is so nice to plan such a joyous event - especailly since they did all the planning so far!! I am thinking that after we all return from Punta Cana, the real misery will begin - THE HUNT FOR THE PERFECT DRESS -
I will not rush the holidays away. I will enjoy each day as it comes. I will pay all my charge bills in a timely manner... I can dream, can't I??
She has asked that her father and I walk her down the aisle to "give her away". Today, she is my favorite child!
It is so nice to plan such a joyous event - especailly since they did all the planning so far!! I am thinking that after we all return from Punta Cana, the real misery will begin - THE HUNT FOR THE PERFECT DRESS -
I will not rush the holidays away. I will enjoy each day as it comes. I will pay all my charge bills in a timely manner... I can dream, can't I??
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
The "Mom" Song
To some of my favorites moms, and those who can relate.....I"m sure we've all recited most of these lyrics at one time or another!!
Monday, October 08, 2007
Are they the same?
I have recently been accused of treating one of my children "differently" from the others. Before I address this with said offspring, I question myself, "Do I treat them all the same?"
Honest answer? How can I possibly treat them all the same? They are all different people with different needs. I am a mother. I give my children all of what they need and some of what they want.
New dilemma - how do I convey that to said child? What does this child perceive their siblings getting from me that is different from what they receive? Is this my problem or is it the child's problem? (the child being a grown adult at this time)
I am putting the question out there presuming someone else may have the answer...
Honest answer? How can I possibly treat them all the same? They are all different people with different needs. I am a mother. I give my children all of what they need and some of what they want.
New dilemma - how do I convey that to said child? What does this child perceive their siblings getting from me that is different from what they receive? Is this my problem or is it the child's problem? (the child being a grown adult at this time)
I am putting the question out there presuming someone else may have the answer...
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
The Bottle of Wine
For all of us who are married, were married, wish you were married or wish you weren't married, this is something to smile about the next time you see a bottle of wine:
Nelly was driving home from one of her business trip in Northern Arizona when she saw an elderly Navajo woman walking on the side of the road. As the trip was a long and quiet one, she stopped the car and asked the Navajo woman if she would like a ride.
With a silent nod of thanks, the woman got into the car.
Resuming the journey, Nelly tried in vain to make a bit of small talk with the Navajo woman.
The old woman just sat silently, looking intently at everything she saw, studying every little detail, until she noticed a brown bag on the seat next to Nelly. 'What in bag?' asked the old woman?
Nelly looked down at the brown bag and said, 'It's a bottle of wine. I got it for my husband.'
The Navajo woman was silent for another moment or two.
Then speaking with the quiet wisdom of an elder, she said: 'Good trade.....'
Nelly was driving home from one of her business trip in Northern Arizona when she saw an elderly Navajo woman walking on the side of the road. As the trip was a long and quiet one, she stopped the car and asked the Navajo woman if she would like a ride.
With a silent nod of thanks, the woman got into the car.
Resuming the journey, Nelly tried in vain to make a bit of small talk with the Navajo woman.
The old woman just sat silently, looking intently at everything she saw, studying every little detail, until she noticed a brown bag on the seat next to Nelly. 'What in bag?' asked the old woman?
Nelly looked down at the brown bag and said, 'It's a bottle of wine. I got it for my husband.'
The Navajo woman was silent for another moment or two.
Then speaking with the quiet wisdom of an elder, she said: 'Good trade.....'
Sunday, September 23, 2007
and so the family grows
Mr. Wonderful received a phone call yesterday aternoon from Michelle's boyfriend. Yesterday was Michelle's birthday and he was planning to propose over dinner. Mr. Wonderful gave his blessings and we stared at the phone for hours waiting for her jubilant voice! Finding it hard to keep such a secret - I told a select few of her siblings - so now we all were waiting for the magical moment.
Fred (as I named him) came into our lives 2 years ago. He is a kind soul with a big heart. He took quite a ribbing from all of us and he stood his ground - in other words, we didn't frighten him away. He makes Michelle happy. Those are 2 qualities that will insure longevity - a sense of humor and a love of my daughter.
Michelle called us last night in a flurry of happy tears. We are so thrilled. We are all going over there today - we are meeting the in-laws (a preplanned get together that now has a deep meaning!)
Fred (as I named him) came into our lives 2 years ago. He is a kind soul with a big heart. He took quite a ribbing from all of us and he stood his ground - in other words, we didn't frighten him away. He makes Michelle happy. Those are 2 qualities that will insure longevity - a sense of humor and a love of my daughter.
Michelle called us last night in a flurry of happy tears. We are so thrilled. We are all going over there today - we are meeting the in-laws (a preplanned get together that now has a deep meaning!)
Saturday, September 22, 2007
Planning a Vacation
Do you remember our Punta Cana trip earlier this year? We wil never forget it. When we returned, we told each of the kids to save their money and we would all go together the following year. I am happy to report that we have booked a week away with all (most of) the kids (minus the grandkids and their parents). Leave it to my favorite cousin to find an incredible package for us.
I am trying not to be a mother hen - but old habits die hard. I have successfully nagged several of them to get their passports - and I was unsuccessful too, as a few of them still have not sent in their applications! My kids must think that the US Passport Office is just waiting for their paperwork and will expedite it just for them! Lord, help me!! Each day I remind myself that they are adults and I need not stress - each week I send them a reminder text message - like I said, old habits die hard!
We are looking forward to our fun filled, sun filled week away in January. My cousins are also coming along with other friends that joined us last year. I hope they are up to vacationing with my kids....
I am trying not to be a mother hen - but old habits die hard. I have successfully nagged several of them to get their passports - and I was unsuccessful too, as a few of them still have not sent in their applications! My kids must think that the US Passport Office is just waiting for their paperwork and will expedite it just for them! Lord, help me!! Each day I remind myself that they are adults and I need not stress - each week I send them a reminder text message - like I said, old habits die hard!
We are looking forward to our fun filled, sun filled week away in January. My cousins are also coming along with other friends that joined us last year. I hope they are up to vacationing with my kids....
Friday, September 14, 2007
First Cast
Under the watchful eye of a neighbor, my precious Ally fell and broke her elbow! This could have happened while anyone was caring for her (I think?). It was a stupid accident and she is going to be just fine - when the cast comes off...
Poor kid, what a way to start school. When I asked her if she liked her teacher, her response was, "She is nice and so is the nurse." Apparently she has to sit in the nurse's office during gym and recess. I wish I could do this for her... She is a trooper, she'll be fine.
For my faithful readers - this is the same neighbor who backed her car into Bobby's last Fall! They are friends of ours - IMAGINE IF THEY WEREN'T???
Poor kid, what a way to start school. When I asked her if she liked her teacher, her response was, "She is nice and so is the nurse." Apparently she has to sit in the nurse's office during gym and recess. I wish I could do this for her... She is a trooper, she'll be fine.
For my faithful readers - this is the same neighbor who backed her car into Bobby's last Fall! They are friends of ours - IMAGINE IF THEY WEREN'T???
Annual Trek
I am pleased to report that our annual trek to Key West went off without a hitch. This year, Allison rented us a cottage in the heart of Key West. This is definitely going to command a repeat performance. There were 5 of us and we laid out the ground rules from the onset - THERE ARE NO RULES! WHAT HAPPENS IN KEY WEST STAYS IN KEY WEST! That was it. Having fun was everyone's responsibility.
The weather was absolutley perfect and we floated around in the pool for hours. I experienced my first "drive-thru" liquor store. It was truly 4 days of bliss. We are thinking of making it 5 days next year. We are accepting applications for next year's trip as we intend to rent 2 cottages - side by side.
Send in your requests early...
The weather was absolutley perfect and we floated around in the pool for hours. I experienced my first "drive-thru" liquor store. It was truly 4 days of bliss. We are thinking of making it 5 days next year. We are accepting applications for next year's trip as we intend to rent 2 cottages - side by side.
Send in your requests early...
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
"I was waiting for you"
I flew into Ft. Lauderdale on Saturday and met up with Mr. W. (who had been in Florida for 5 days already - it's good to be retired!). We drove up to go see my Dad. It had been a long time since I had seen him and I had a sudden urge to kiss his face and hold his hand.
His Alzheimer's is still progressing and I guess that will happen indefinitely. My Dad was robbed of 5 good years because once he heard his Diagnosis all he did, EVERYDAY, was stress over what the future held for him. He is now living his worst nightmare. If there is any blessing in this at all, it is that he has no idea that he is living his worst nightmare.
Mr. W. did a lot of little chores around my father's condo on Saturday - things my father used to do to keep things working smoothly. He was happy to do them - he would do anything for my dad.
When we finally all sat for dinner, Mr. Wonderful came to the table and my dad looked him square in the face and said, "I was waiting for you." Just like that, a sentence... those were the first words he spoke all day.
My dad stared into my eyes alot - he smiled at me often. He was not sure who I was, but there was definitely a connection between us. He did speak more on Saturday night and on Sunday morning, he called out "Angelutes" - a name only he called me.
It was so hard to see him like this. This trip was for me, not for him. He was sad when we left. I saved my tears for the car ride back to the airport.
I am glad we went...
His Alzheimer's is still progressing and I guess that will happen indefinitely. My Dad was robbed of 5 good years because once he heard his Diagnosis all he did, EVERYDAY, was stress over what the future held for him. He is now living his worst nightmare. If there is any blessing in this at all, it is that he has no idea that he is living his worst nightmare.
Mr. W. did a lot of little chores around my father's condo on Saturday - things my father used to do to keep things working smoothly. He was happy to do them - he would do anything for my dad.
When we finally all sat for dinner, Mr. Wonderful came to the table and my dad looked him square in the face and said, "I was waiting for you." Just like that, a sentence... those were the first words he spoke all day.
My dad stared into my eyes alot - he smiled at me often. He was not sure who I was, but there was definitely a connection between us. He did speak more on Saturday night and on Sunday morning, he called out "Angelutes" - a name only he called me.
It was so hard to see him like this. This trip was for me, not for him. He was sad when we left. I saved my tears for the car ride back to the airport.
I am glad we went...
Tuesday, August 07, 2007
And They're Off!

Please understand, I am not heartless, but we already have a cat (a blind one that was also "rescued" 6 years ago) and Louie, my dog. The last thing I wanted (or needed) was another animal in the house. There was nearly an all out war when our daughter, Allison, came to the rescue. She was moving Aug. 1 and for the first time since she moved away, she can have a pet.
Mr. Wonderful boarded a plane this morning, with Moe. He is going to live in the Florida Keys. He will have a good life. They are landing in Fort Lauderdale where our son will meet them and take them to lunch. Allison will be there later in the day and then they will be off to the Keys!
Allison has a whirlwind trip planned for her and her father. She has rented a boat for 3 days that will dock right outside his hotel room - which is attached to the Outback (Allison is the manager there). There will be some special bonding happening these next few days - between father and daughter, and, Allison and Moe.
Tuesday, July 31, 2007
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
A Special Relationship
Ally spent the day with me this past Saturday. The whole day, just me and Ally. This was not an uncommon occurrence prior to Ava's birth, but it is a rare happening since Ava has arrived.
Ally called me at 8:30am to remind me that Papa promised her a special day with Guga. (She had no idea that we got home at 2:30am the night before and Guga was still suffering the effects of a "Vodka Luge"). I told her I was anxiously awaiting her arrival and proceeded to get out of bed and into a long, hot shower. Papa rolled over and pulled the covers over his head.
We had the nicest day together. We went to Michael's and bought a special project that she wanted and we worked on it all day together. We went out to lunch and just talked and talked. Papa said we sounded like 2 birds chirping. We were together for 7 hours and never once turned on the television. When I finally took her home, she held on for the biggest hug.
There is something special about being the first grandchild. There is something speical in being a grandmother for the first time. Ally and I have a bond that cannot be explained. I love Ava and I will love all future (God willing) grandchildren - but nothing will compare to what Ally and I share. This relationship is truly one of life's greatest treasures.
Ally called me at 8:30am to remind me that Papa promised her a special day with Guga. (She had no idea that we got home at 2:30am the night before and Guga was still suffering the effects of a "Vodka Luge"). I told her I was anxiously awaiting her arrival and proceeded to get out of bed and into a long, hot shower. Papa rolled over and pulled the covers over his head.
We had the nicest day together. We went to Michael's and bought a special project that she wanted and we worked on it all day together. We went out to lunch and just talked and talked. Papa said we sounded like 2 birds chirping. We were together for 7 hours and never once turned on the television. When I finally took her home, she held on for the biggest hug.
There is something special about being the first grandchild. There is something speical in being a grandmother for the first time. Ally and I have a bond that cannot be explained. I love Ava and I will love all future (God willing) grandchildren - but nothing will compare to what Ally and I share. This relationship is truly one of life's greatest treasures.
Monday, July 23, 2007
Another Bride
Friday night we packed six of us in Mr. W's Pathfinder and off we trekked to somewhere in New Jersey for another cousin's wedding. (writer's note - I **** hate Staten Island)
The weather was perfect as the bride and groom exchanged wedding vows outdoors. The bride looked exquisite and the groom was beaming. All the guests then proceeded on to a 6 hour eating frenzy. There was a lot of love in that room. The drinks were flowing, the food kept coming and the music was hopping. It was a GREAT party and we had a ball - right down the the last bit of "cotton candy" and hot zeppoles!
On a sad note, out of the original 13 first cousins, there were only 3 of us there... Glad I was one of them.
The weather was perfect as the bride and groom exchanged wedding vows outdoors. The bride looked exquisite and the groom was beaming. All the guests then proceeded on to a 6 hour eating frenzy. There was a lot of love in that room. The drinks were flowing, the food kept coming and the music was hopping. It was a GREAT party and we had a ball - right down the the last bit of "cotton candy" and hot zeppoles!
On a sad note, out of the original 13 first cousins, there were only 3 of us there... Glad I was one of them.
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
A Mother's Dilemma
I've been holding my breath for 2 weeks. My youngest son has aspirations of joining the ranks of the NYPD. He promised to finish his education prior to pursuing his quest and he graduated in May. He actively proceeded with the process to be included in the July class at the academy.
For those of my readers who do not follow New York news, I give you the following. As we speak, they are laying a NYPD officer (23 yrs. old) to rest. He was shot in the face during a routine traffic stop.
Now, please undertand. Just like all other mothers out there, I want my child to be happy. I REALLY want my child to be happy. But, I want to see him live a good long life, too.
As luck would have it (or is it God's intervention?), he did not get all paperwork cleared in time for the July class. He is on hold for January 2008. Is it wrong of me to jump up and down and shout "YIPPEE" and hope he finds another 'calling' in the next 6 months?
For those of my readers who do not follow New York news, I give you the following. As we speak, they are laying a NYPD officer (23 yrs. old) to rest. He was shot in the face during a routine traffic stop.
Now, please undertand. Just like all other mothers out there, I want my child to be happy. I REALLY want my child to be happy. But, I want to see him live a good long life, too.
As luck would have it (or is it God's intervention?), he did not get all paperwork cleared in time for the July class. He is on hold for January 2008. Is it wrong of me to jump up and down and shout "YIPPEE" and hope he finds another 'calling' in the next 6 months?
Thursday, July 05, 2007
Wednesday, July 04, 2007
Happy 4th!!
Wednesday, June 27, 2007
Insurance Discount
Every 3 years, Mr. Wonderful and I take a 6 Hour Defensive Driving Course. I would like you to believe that we do it because we are civic minded individuals who want to better ourselves. The truth is, we get a 10% discount on our auto insurance by doing this. Ah, money - the great motivator...
I now realize why the course is required every 3 years - It takes that long for you to forget how awful these 6 hours really are! We have had a different instructor each time (and this is our 3rd time). The first one was ok - it was the first time taking the course and we didn't know what to expect. The second time - we scheduled it for one sitting and I brought a good book and sat in the back of the room and read all day. This time - there were 12 people in the class and it was 2 - 3 hour sessions - BIG MISTAKE. First of all, the room was too small to hide. Second of all, the instructor was so into the whole subject matter it was hard not to laugh. To go back for the second half of this class was like having root canal without Novocaine!
Just to bring a little humor into our lives, after the first class I called my son and asked him if he could pick me up. I told him that his father fell asleep in class and was held over for detention. The boy bought the story- hook, line and sinker. I was a little sad to find out that he did indeed drive all the way to the library to get me - until I found out his real reason to show up was to laugh at his Dad when he was "released from detention". Mr. Wonderful and I were comfortably in our jammies when he returned home - silly boy...
I now realize why the course is required every 3 years - It takes that long for you to forget how awful these 6 hours really are! We have had a different instructor each time (and this is our 3rd time). The first one was ok - it was the first time taking the course and we didn't know what to expect. The second time - we scheduled it for one sitting and I brought a good book and sat in the back of the room and read all day. This time - there were 12 people in the class and it was 2 - 3 hour sessions - BIG MISTAKE. First of all, the room was too small to hide. Second of all, the instructor was so into the whole subject matter it was hard not to laugh. To go back for the second half of this class was like having root canal without Novocaine!
Just to bring a little humor into our lives, after the first class I called my son and asked him if he could pick me up. I told him that his father fell asleep in class and was held over for detention. The boy bought the story- hook, line and sinker. I was a little sad to find out that he did indeed drive all the way to the library to get me - until I found out his real reason to show up was to laugh at his Dad when he was "released from detention". Mr. Wonderful and I were comfortably in our jammies when he returned home - silly boy...
Sunday, June 24, 2007
No Marathon for Me
Well, it's Sunday morning - 12 days since my back injury and I am still in pain. After waiting over a week to finally do something about it, I ventured out to a chiropractor (not a fan of the medical profession in general) - 3 appointments so far and I am still not cured. I really don't have the patience required to nurse a back injury. The Chiro claims it is not a disc injury, but a total muscle spasm that protects the disc from bulging - Yeah, Yeah, Blah, Blah - JUST FIX THE EFFIN' THING!! He swears things will be back to normal by the end of this week - WELL, I !#$% HOPE SO - this Quasi Moto thing is wearing very thin!
Hope to be in a better mood by my next post...
Hope to be in a better mood by my next post...
Monday, June 18, 2007
Wednesday, June 13, 2007
Taking simple things for granted.
I was fine. Getting ready for the girls for Mah Jongg. Ordered a pizza for dinner - no time for cooking tonight. Trish dropped Ava off so she could take Ally and her friend to dinner. Ava is taking her first steps - with lots of help. She was pushing her wagon and walking along when she found herself stopped in a corner. Frustrated because she couldn't move, I bent over, turned the wagon and lifted her to turn her around when SUDDENLY - ...
I felt like I broke my back. You know that feeling when you bend over and rip the back seam of your pants? That's how my back felt. All I could do was grunt, in a hunched over position, while Mr. W. came running. He know in a nano-second what happened (he has seen it all too often in his own life - the man has more herniated discs in his spine than good ones!)
Bobby took care of Ava - fed her, gave her a bottle and put her in for a nap. Mr. W. tended to me - he sprayed my back with a "painkiller in a bottle", put 2 pain patches on me and eased me on to the couch. I had 15 minutes before the Mah Jongg Girls (MJG) were to arrive.
Slowly, and with lots of help, I was downstairs in my "East" position ready to pick my tiles when the MJG arrived. Sensing my pain, they did all the hostessing for themselves - BUT THE GAME MUST GO ON! Thankfully, we ended a little early and I shuffled off to bed - ARMED WITH: painkiller, muscle relaxer, and sedative.
Here I am, at work, with my ice/hot pack - yes, I came to work. I do not like taking off time from work as 'sick' days. I ALWAYS come to work when I am sick. I take off for important events: Ally's Spring Concert, Ally's Kindergarten Graduation, Bobby's College Graduation, Parent's Day at Ally's Camp...
I will trudge, slowly, through the day. I will creep into my bed tonight. I will remember what it is like NOT to be in pain - and I will NEVER take that for granted again!
I felt like I broke my back. You know that feeling when you bend over and rip the back seam of your pants? That's how my back felt. All I could do was grunt, in a hunched over position, while Mr. W. came running. He know in a nano-second what happened (he has seen it all too often in his own life - the man has more herniated discs in his spine than good ones!)
Bobby took care of Ava - fed her, gave her a bottle and put her in for a nap. Mr. W. tended to me - he sprayed my back with a "painkiller in a bottle", put 2 pain patches on me and eased me on to the couch. I had 15 minutes before the Mah Jongg Girls (MJG) were to arrive.
Slowly, and with lots of help, I was downstairs in my "East" position ready to pick my tiles when the MJG arrived. Sensing my pain, they did all the hostessing for themselves - BUT THE GAME MUST GO ON! Thankfully, we ended a little early and I shuffled off to bed - ARMED WITH: painkiller, muscle relaxer, and sedative.
Here I am, at work, with my ice/hot pack - yes, I came to work. I do not like taking off time from work as 'sick' days. I ALWAYS come to work when I am sick. I take off for important events: Ally's Spring Concert, Ally's Kindergarten Graduation, Bobby's College Graduation, Parent's Day at Ally's Camp...
I will trudge, slowly, through the day. I will creep into my bed tonight. I will remember what it is like NOT to be in pain - and I will NEVER take that for granted again!
Friday, June 08, 2007
Quote of the day
"Being happy doesn't mean everything's perfect, it means you've decided to see beyond the imperfections"
Sunday, June 03, 2007
It's 9:00am and all through the house - not a creature is stirring, not even a mouse. I can hear the faint hum of the air conditioner and the gently sounds of repetitive breathing from Louie and Mr. W. When I go out on to the back deck I can hear all the birds singing - AAHHH, nature.
I am enjoying the absence of noise, soon all hell will break loose. I will have 2 cups up liquid uppers (coffee), put on my best "children's" party clothes (shorts and a clean T), my most comfortable flip flops, and take 2 advil for the headaches I might get. I figure another 45 minutes of peace until the pre-game begins.
Hope you all have a wonderful Sunday - I look forward to reading about your stress-free, calm weekend. For now, I am looking for the biggest shovel I can find and trying to figure out how much I have to pay Bobby to follow thoses ponies around the yard to pick up thier leftover remembrances. Does anyone know a farmer who is interested in this prize fertilizer?
(FANG, too bad you were too busy to join us today - you would have left with QUITE a goodie bag! Accidental Mother could have taken a ride with you and her offspring - not too late to change your minds...)
I am enjoying the absence of noise, soon all hell will break loose. I will have 2 cups up liquid uppers (coffee), put on my best "children's" party clothes (shorts and a clean T), my most comfortable flip flops, and take 2 advil for the headaches I might get. I figure another 45 minutes of peace until the pre-game begins.
Hope you all have a wonderful Sunday - I look forward to reading about your stress-free, calm weekend. For now, I am looking for the biggest shovel I can find and trying to figure out how much I have to pay Bobby to follow thoses ponies around the yard to pick up thier leftover remembrances. Does anyone know a farmer who is interested in this prize fertilizer?
(FANG, too bad you were too busy to join us today - you would have left with QUITE a goodie bag! Accidental Mother could have taken a ride with you and her offspring - not too late to change your minds...)
Thursday, May 31, 2007
Party Marathon
I am happy to report that Miss Ava will soon be celebrating her first birthday (June 5). The festivities begin on Sunday with a big bash at Guga and Papa's house - complete with ponies and a magician. Whereas Ava has not made many friends yet, Ally has the honor of inviting some of her friends to help celebrate her sister's birthday.
This is to be followed by a week long celebration as Michelle is coming up for a week - AND Allison and Michael will be joining us on Tues., Wed, and Thurs. I cannot believe that all 5 kids will be together once again this year - thank goodness we are all convening for happy occasions. Too many times, families only gather for sad times.
Lest I forget, it is also Bobby's birthday (June 4). I am sure we will continue his graduation celebration along with his birthday. AND last, but not least (ok, maybe it is least) Chip is turning 50 (June 6). There will be a lot of cake this week!!
I am looking forward to lots of laughs and little sleep! I plan on going food shopping Saturday to stock up on all their favorites. I see many meatballs in my future....
This is to be followed by a week long celebration as Michelle is coming up for a week - AND Allison and Michael will be joining us on Tues., Wed, and Thurs. I cannot believe that all 5 kids will be together once again this year - thank goodness we are all convening for happy occasions. Too many times, families only gather for sad times.
Lest I forget, it is also Bobby's birthday (June 4). I am sure we will continue his graduation celebration along with his birthday. AND last, but not least (ok, maybe it is least) Chip is turning 50 (June 6). There will be a lot of cake this week!!
I am looking forward to lots of laughs and little sleep! I plan on going food shopping Saturday to stock up on all their favorites. I see many meatballs in my future....
Wednesday, May 30, 2007
Need a rest now...
Hershey was wonderful! The Hotel was simply magnificent. It is old, but in an elegant way and updated where necessary. The grounds and gardens were just breathtaking. All this added to the special time we were all able to share on our family get-away (notice the absence of the word vacation).
Traveling with kids is never a vacation. It may be a vacation to them - no bed times, no schedules, no vegetables - but it is merely a change of environment for us older folks. There was still bath time, feeding time, nap time (for them, not us). We all enjoyed Hershey Park, Chocolate World, the pool, the side trip to Lancaster. We managed to squeeze 25 hours into each day! I fell asleep each night before Ally!!
We traveled with our kids when they were young - it was nothing like traveling with the grand-kids. Being a part of their everyday lives is such a privilege for us. I guess this is our bonus for making it through the teen years with our kids - ALL 5 TIMES!
Traveling with kids is never a vacation. It may be a vacation to them - no bed times, no schedules, no vegetables - but it is merely a change of environment for us older folks. There was still bath time, feeding time, nap time (for them, not us). We all enjoyed Hershey Park, Chocolate World, the pool, the side trip to Lancaster. We managed to squeeze 25 hours into each day! I fell asleep each night before Ally!!
We traveled with our kids when they were young - it was nothing like traveling with the grand-kids. Being a part of their everyday lives is such a privilege for us. I guess this is our bonus for making it through the teen years with our kids - ALL 5 TIMES!
Thursday, May 24, 2007
The Summer Begins!
Hard to believe Memorial Day Weekend is nearly here. The official start of Summer! We are celebrating the weekend in high style. We are off to Hershey with the oldest offspring and her family!
We've been to Hershey - years ago. My sons remember it well - cheap hotel, lousy food, trekking through a chocolate world. Trying to enjoy the sights while keeping the boys clean and keeping their sugar intake at an acceptable level. This time will be different.
We're older, with slightly thicker pockets - we are staying at the Hershey Hotel AND doing it on a holiday weekend!! Ally will be travelling in our car and staying in our room - a perk of being the first grandchild. Who cares if her sugar level spikes? Do you think Ava will enjoy her first chocolate bar?
I hope someone else remembers to bring wipees - Mr. Wonderful and I will be too busy going on all the rides and buying junk at all the concession stands!!
We've been to Hershey - years ago. My sons remember it well - cheap hotel, lousy food, trekking through a chocolate world. Trying to enjoy the sights while keeping the boys clean and keeping their sugar intake at an acceptable level. This time will be different.
We're older, with slightly thicker pockets - we are staying at the Hershey Hotel AND doing it on a holiday weekend!! Ally will be travelling in our car and staying in our room - a perk of being the first grandchild. Who cares if her sugar level spikes? Do you think Ava will enjoy her first chocolate bar?
I hope someone else remembers to bring wipees - Mr. Wonderful and I will be too busy going on all the rides and buying junk at all the concession stands!!
Tuesday, May 22, 2007
"Thanks for lunch..."
Yesterday, my youngest child graduated from college. Quite a milestone - another stage of our lives over. He put up quite a struggle and offered a good argument NOT to attend and I was convinced. Originally there was to be a crowd attending the ceremonies (Parents, Grandmother, Sister, Brother-in-law, nieces, etc.) I talked everyone out of going, not sure if we were even going - I was choosing my battles. BUT, the night before, Mr. Wonderful thought he really should go - so off we went.
There was a graduating class of over 2000 students so the ceremony was held at the Nassau Coliseum. He was told to get there at 8 - so we all arrived at 8:40 (I am the only prompt one in this family) and still got very good seats! The procession started at 9:10 and he was one of the first 100 students to walk in - the procession continued until 10:15! Do you want to hear how bored we were???
Thank goodness for text messaging as we were plotting an early escape even before the first speaker! Our plan was in place - the speakers did their thing (and they were quite good). Bobby was called to the stage way before noon! - OK, set the plan in motion and we are out of here!! NOT!!! - There were faculy member lined up at all exits on the ground floor (where the graduates were seated) - NO ONE WAS PERMITTED TO LEAVE!
Plan B, set in motion - "Excuse me sir, I must use the bathroom" - at which point, my son was escorted to the men's room and then escorted back to his assigned seating area!! - FOILED AGAIN!!
At 1:00, Mr. W., Bobby's girlfriend, and I ventured out to the parking lot. We sat in the car, taunting Bobby with text messages, "We are in the local bar on our second round of drinks - call when you are released and we will pick you up!"
By 1:30 we were ALL on our way to a delicious lunch at "Houston's". I was very proud of my son. Proud that he graduated (in the allotted time) and proud that when his father asked him to please go to the graduation ceremony he simply said, "OK".
We had a wonderful lunch with lots of laughs - just the 4 of us. I guess this was the way it was meant to be... As we were finished paying the bill, my son simply said, "Hey, thanks so much for lunch... Oh yeah, and my college education."
There was a graduating class of over 2000 students so the ceremony was held at the Nassau Coliseum. He was told to get there at 8 - so we all arrived at 8:40 (I am the only prompt one in this family) and still got very good seats! The procession started at 9:10 and he was one of the first 100 students to walk in - the procession continued until 10:15! Do you want to hear how bored we were???
Thank goodness for text messaging as we were plotting an early escape even before the first speaker! Our plan was in place - the speakers did their thing (and they were quite good). Bobby was called to the stage way before noon! - OK, set the plan in motion and we are out of here!! NOT!!! - There were faculy member lined up at all exits on the ground floor (where the graduates were seated) - NO ONE WAS PERMITTED TO LEAVE!
Plan B, set in motion - "Excuse me sir, I must use the bathroom" - at which point, my son was escorted to the men's room and then escorted back to his assigned seating area!! - FOILED AGAIN!!
At 1:00, Mr. W., Bobby's girlfriend, and I ventured out to the parking lot. We sat in the car, taunting Bobby with text messages, "We are in the local bar on our second round of drinks - call when you are released and we will pick you up!"
By 1:30 we were ALL on our way to a delicious lunch at "Houston's". I was very proud of my son. Proud that he graduated (in the allotted time) and proud that when his father asked him to please go to the graduation ceremony he simply said, "OK".
We had a wonderful lunch with lots of laughs - just the 4 of us. I guess this was the way it was meant to be... As we were finished paying the bill, my son simply said, "Hey, thanks so much for lunch... Oh yeah, and my college education."
Monday, May 14, 2007
Mother's Day Re-Cap
OK, it wasn't terrible. We ate at a wonderful Italian restaurant and everyone was in a good mood. I guess that counts for something. (In other words, it was wonderful, I was worried for nothing!)
We all came back to Guga and Papa's house for dessert. We played an impromptu, make believe softball game in the yard with Ally, Adam, Aunt Wendy, Guga and Papa - even Chip joined in for a couple innings! Papa even put together Ally and Ava's playhouse. Ava and Ally enjoyed their "child-sized" glider and most of the women folk enjoyed my new glider.
Everyone was gone by 8 and Papa and Bobby helped clean up - (What A Mess!!) - I re-read all my beautiful cards and rearranged all my gorgeous bouquets of flowers. Mr. Wonderful surprised me with a most beautiful pocketbook and Trisha and Chip bought me a matching wallet. So extravagant, so unnecessary - so thoughtful.
As you know, I had my reservations (no pun intended) about eating dinner out on a holiday - but, I have to admit, it was pretty nice and I DID thoroughly enjoy the afternoon in the yard AND I was not too tired to play along. I will not put up a fight should anyone suggest doing this again next year!!
We all came back to Guga and Papa's house for dessert. We played an impromptu, make believe softball game in the yard with Ally, Adam, Aunt Wendy, Guga and Papa - even Chip joined in for a couple innings! Papa even put together Ally and Ava's playhouse. Ava and Ally enjoyed their "child-sized" glider and most of the women folk enjoyed my new glider.
Everyone was gone by 8 and Papa and Bobby helped clean up - (What A Mess!!) - I re-read all my beautiful cards and rearranged all my gorgeous bouquets of flowers. Mr. Wonderful surprised me with a most beautiful pocketbook and Trisha and Chip bought me a matching wallet. So extravagant, so unnecessary - so thoughtful.
As you know, I had my reservations (no pun intended) about eating dinner out on a holiday - but, I have to admit, it was pretty nice and I DID thoroughly enjoy the afternoon in the yard AND I was not too tired to play along. I will not put up a fight should anyone suggest doing this again next year!!
Thursday, May 10, 2007
You call this a Holiday Dinner??
Sunday is MY holiday. I love Mother's Day - it gives my kids a chance to send those great cards that make me cry.
I cook for all the holidays and everyone comes to my house. This year we will be doing something different. This year, we are going to a restaurant for Mother's Day. Already, I don't like it. What kind of holiday is it going to be sitting in a restauant for 2 hours and then everyone going home - WHAT THE HELL IS THAT??? I like it when people start showing up around noon and we eat all day and play with the kids. I like it when the kids critique eachother over dinner - when the guys solve all the problems of the world over dessert. I LOVE it when Ally requests to sit next to me and when Ava yells, "GUGA" from her high chair. I love handing out all the leftovers to the kids to take home.
Everyone thinks this will be nicer - to sit and be served - to have no mess, no fuss, no bother. I beg to differ - I like the mess, I like to fuss over them all, it is no bother to have them all visit me.
Hopefully, we will all hate this restaurant thing and never have to do it again on a holiday.
I cook for all the holidays and everyone comes to my house. This year we will be doing something different. This year, we are going to a restaurant for Mother's Day. Already, I don't like it. What kind of holiday is it going to be sitting in a restauant for 2 hours and then everyone going home - WHAT THE HELL IS THAT??? I like it when people start showing up around noon and we eat all day and play with the kids. I like it when the kids critique eachother over dinner - when the guys solve all the problems of the world over dessert. I LOVE it when Ally requests to sit next to me and when Ava yells, "GUGA" from her high chair. I love handing out all the leftovers to the kids to take home.
Everyone thinks this will be nicer - to sit and be served - to have no mess, no fuss, no bother. I beg to differ - I like the mess, I like to fuss over them all, it is no bother to have them all visit me.
Hopefully, we will all hate this restaurant thing and never have to do it again on a holiday.
Tuesday, May 08, 2007
The simple things...
I came home from work yesterday to a wonderful surprise - my glider was assembled and swinging in the yard - just waiting for my butt to lay its impression on the cushions. I quickly grabbed a drink, my book and my dog and off I went to my own little piece of Heaven. Mr. Wonderful puttered around in the yard while I gently swayed in the warm breeze. I am not sure who was happier - me or him.
You know you picked the right partner when all you have to do is look at each other to know what the other is thinking. He still calls me "Beautiful", I still see him with "Blonde" hair. I am truly blessed to be growing old with this man. No one has ever loved me like he does. He is far from perfect, but he is all mine!
You know you picked the right partner when all you have to do is look at each other to know what the other is thinking. He still calls me "Beautiful", I still see him with "Blonde" hair. I am truly blessed to be growing old with this man. No one has ever loved me like he does. He is far from perfect, but he is all mine!
Wednesday, May 02, 2007
The Quiz
2. WHEN WAS THE LAST TIME YOU CRIED? When the surgeon told us that Chip was cancer-free.
5. DO YOU HAVE KIDS? too many to keep track of!
7. DO YOU USE SARCASM A LOT? As much as humanly possible
8. DO YOU STILL HAVE YOUR TONSILS? Nope (traded them in for a balogna sandwich)
9. WOULD YOU BUNGEE JUMP? No, Never! Well, maybe for a balogna sandwich.
11. DO YOU UNTIE YOUR SHOES WHEN YOU TAKE THEM OFF? NEVER! - I only bend down for my grandchildren!
12. DO YOU THINK YOU ARE STRONG? Yep! - In every way!
17. WHO DO YOU MISS THE MOST? my father
18. DO YOU WANT EVERYONE TO SEND THIS BACK TO YOU? I'm not sending it to anyone!19. WHAT COLOR PANTS AND SHOES ARE YOU WEARING ? Jeans, black and white flip flops...gotta love em
23. FAVORITE SMELLS? A baby fresh out of a bath.
26. FAVORITE DRINK? Raspberry Crystal Light(with a splash of Vodka!)
27. FAVORITE SPORT? Anything my grand-daughter happens to be playing at the time!
28. HAIR COLOR? Brown with a hint of grey, umm white!
29. EYE COLOR? Hazel (Just like Ally's!)
30. DO YOU WEAR CONTACTS? never, can't touch my eyes
31. FAVORITE FOOD? PASTA (You thought I was gonna say a Balogna sandwich, didn't you?)
34. WHAT COLOR SHIRT ARE YOU WEARING? White Tee Shirt with Navy Blue Button Down shirt over it
35. SUMMER OR WINTER? summer
36. HUGS OR KISSES? hugs and kisses!
37. FAVORITE DESSERT? ice cream
38. MOST LIKELY TO RESPOND? No one! (see Question 18)
39. LEAST LIKELY TO RESPOND? see question 38
40. WHAT BOOK ARE YOU READING? Patterson's - Step on a Crack
41. WHAT IS ON YOUR MOUSE PAD? nothing, it's acrylic with a gel filled wrist support
42. WHAT DID YOU WATCH ON TV LAST NIGHT? (I missed Idol, boo hiss) Watched "House"
43. FAVORITE SOUND? Granddaughters squealing with delight as I approach their house!
44. ROLLING STONES OR BEATLES? Beatles - early Beatles
46. DO YOU HAVE A SPECIAL TALENTS? I can entertain my little cousin with my words - does that count? I cook, bake, sew, crochet, needlepoint, understand football, baseball and soccer, keep Mr. Wonderful happy, work full time, play the accordion, piano and clarinet - in answer to your question, NO, no special talents.
47. WHERE WERE YOU BORN? in a hospital in Brooklyn - but lived on Long Island all my life
2. WHEN WAS THE LAST TIME YOU CRIED? When the surgeon told us that Chip was cancer-free.
5. DO YOU HAVE KIDS? too many to keep track of!
7. DO YOU USE SARCASM A LOT? As much as humanly possible
8. DO YOU STILL HAVE YOUR TONSILS? Nope (traded them in for a balogna sandwich)
9. WOULD YOU BUNGEE JUMP? No, Never! Well, maybe for a balogna sandwich.
11. DO YOU UNTIE YOUR SHOES WHEN YOU TAKE THEM OFF? NEVER! - I only bend down for my grandchildren!
12. DO YOU THINK YOU ARE STRONG? Yep! - In every way!
17. WHO DO YOU MISS THE MOST? my father
18. DO YOU WANT EVERYONE TO SEND THIS BACK TO YOU? I'm not sending it to anyone!19. WHAT COLOR PANTS AND SHOES ARE YOU WEARING ? Jeans, black and white flip flops...gotta love em
23. FAVORITE SMELLS? A baby fresh out of a bath.
26. FAVORITE DRINK? Raspberry Crystal Light(with a splash of Vodka!)
27. FAVORITE SPORT? Anything my grand-daughter happens to be playing at the time!
28. HAIR COLOR? Brown with a hint of grey, umm white!
29. EYE COLOR? Hazel (Just like Ally's!)
30. DO YOU WEAR CONTACTS? never, can't touch my eyes
31. FAVORITE FOOD? PASTA (You thought I was gonna say a Balogna sandwich, didn't you?)
34. WHAT COLOR SHIRT ARE YOU WEARING? White Tee Shirt with Navy Blue Button Down shirt over it
35. SUMMER OR WINTER? summer
36. HUGS OR KISSES? hugs and kisses!
37. FAVORITE DESSERT? ice cream
38. MOST LIKELY TO RESPOND? No one! (see Question 18)
39. LEAST LIKELY TO RESPOND? see question 38
40. WHAT BOOK ARE YOU READING? Patterson's - Step on a Crack
41. WHAT IS ON YOUR MOUSE PAD? nothing, it's acrylic with a gel filled wrist support
42. WHAT DID YOU WATCH ON TV LAST NIGHT? (I missed Idol, boo hiss) Watched "House"
43. FAVORITE SOUND? Granddaughters squealing with delight as I approach their house!
44. ROLLING STONES OR BEATLES? Beatles - early Beatles
46. DO YOU HAVE A SPECIAL TALENTS? I can entertain my little cousin with my words - does that count? I cook, bake, sew, crochet, needlepoint, understand football, baseball and soccer, keep Mr. Wonderful happy, work full time, play the accordion, piano and clarinet - in answer to your question, NO, no special talents.
47. WHERE WERE YOU BORN? in a hospital in Brooklyn - but lived on Long Island all my life
Monday, April 30, 2007
Monday? already?
This is Monday, so I am sure there was a weekend - just not sure where it went! Let's see if I can re-cap.
Saturday - was going to Ally's soccer game when my neighbor backed out of her driveway into Bobby's car - so much for soccer... Spent much of the time consoling my neighbor to the tune of, "It's only a car, money will fix this, no one was hurt, stop stressing, this is not a prblem ,only an inconvenience...". Then off to breakfast (had to cheer up Bobby) - then food shopping with Trish - then to the nursery with Mr. W and landscaper - then off to Fortunoff's to pick up glider that was not ready for pick up on Thursday. Barely had the energy to make dinner and go to bed!
Sunday - Ally's softball in the morning - met up with the rest of the neighbor's family apologizing for the auto mishap - off to Williams Sonoma to spend some of my Birthday gift certificates - then, a much deserved nap (I haven't napped in years!!). Mr. Wonderful cooked a delicious dinner and it was soon time for bed once again.
Either the weekends are getting shorter or I am trying to cram way too much into 2 days!
Saturday - was going to Ally's soccer game when my neighbor backed out of her driveway into Bobby's car - so much for soccer... Spent much of the time consoling my neighbor to the tune of, "It's only a car, money will fix this, no one was hurt, stop stressing, this is not a prblem ,only an inconvenience...". Then off to breakfast (had to cheer up Bobby) - then food shopping with Trish - then to the nursery with Mr. W and landscaper - then off to Fortunoff's to pick up glider that was not ready for pick up on Thursday. Barely had the energy to make dinner and go to bed!
Sunday - Ally's softball in the morning - met up with the rest of the neighbor's family apologizing for the auto mishap - off to Williams Sonoma to spend some of my Birthday gift certificates - then, a much deserved nap (I haven't napped in years!!). Mr. Wonderful cooked a delicious dinner and it was soon time for bed once again.
Either the weekends are getting shorter or I am trying to cram way too much into 2 days!
Thursday, April 26, 2007
Back on Track
Now that all possible tragedies have been averted, we have changed our focus back on the house. Remember the fireplace? Well, the surrounding walls still have not been finished and our contractor is so busy I don't know when he will get to us!! We've know this guy for years, he is like another son - so I am happy that he is busy, and I just have to wait until he can fit us in.
In the interim, Mr. Wonderful has been busy negotiating with the landscaper. Such a project!! This sod, that sod, these plants, those plants, this tree, not that tree - I have no idea what they are talking about - I would just like it finished already. I am sure all my eager readers are anxious to see a final picture, RIGHT??? You must remember, Mr. W. is retired and he does not operate on the same time clock as normal people. There is no sense of urgency with this man, not that I am complaining (or am I?).
On a brighter note - Mr. W bought me a glider for the backyard. Bobby is picking it up today. I wonder how long it will take for it to be put together..... again, not that I am complaining...
In the interim, Mr. Wonderful has been busy negotiating with the landscaper. Such a project!! This sod, that sod, these plants, those plants, this tree, not that tree - I have no idea what they are talking about - I would just like it finished already. I am sure all my eager readers are anxious to see a final picture, RIGHT??? You must remember, Mr. W. is retired and he does not operate on the same time clock as normal people. There is no sense of urgency with this man, not that I am complaining (or am I?).
On a brighter note - Mr. W bought me a glider for the backyard. Bobby is picking it up today. I wonder how long it will take for it to be put together..... again, not that I am complaining...
Monday, April 23, 2007
Spring and things
Finally, Spring has arrived. This weekend we were graced with temperatures in the high 70's, soccer games and a new softball schedule (for #1 Granddaughter). Yes, it is offically Spring! I have begun to sit on my front stoop watching the kids on the block play together. Stoop sitting is a lost art - I am trying to bring it back single handedly!
On another note. my youngest son, Bobby, is preparing for his graduation from college - "YOU GO, BOBBY!" and his entrance in the NYPD Academy "you go, bobby..". If all goes well, he will begin the academy in July. Thus will begin my future of worrying about a child at a NEW level. As a mother of 5, and grandmother of 2, pseudo-mom of another 4, and a mother-in-law, I have transformed worrying into an olympic sport! If worrying burnt up calories, I would weigh 60 pounds, but alas, I think it adds to the pounds - ah, the injustice of it all....
This is the season of new hope, new life. I am officially ready for whatever life is ready to hand me!
On another note. my youngest son, Bobby, is preparing for his graduation from college - "YOU GO, BOBBY!" and his entrance in the NYPD Academy "you go, bobby..". If all goes well, he will begin the academy in July. Thus will begin my future of worrying about a child at a NEW level. As a mother of 5, and grandmother of 2, pseudo-mom of another 4, and a mother-in-law, I have transformed worrying into an olympic sport! If worrying burnt up calories, I would weigh 60 pounds, but alas, I think it adds to the pounds - ah, the injustice of it all....
This is the season of new hope, new life. I am officially ready for whatever life is ready to hand me!
Thursday, April 19, 2007
Giving Thanks
Chip's surgery is over and with the best outcome of all - NO CANCER!! There was only a 4% chance of this outcome and I am sure we owe it all to the power of prayer. Thank you to all who prayed for him - I will be sure to return the favor ANYTIME!
This situation could have had such a different ending - what a gift we were given - I am in awe....
Thank you, God.
This situation could have had such a different ending - what a gift we were given - I am in awe....
Thank you, God.
Thursday, April 12, 2007
Prayer Request
Normally, I would never discuss my son-in-law's private matters - but I am a strong believer in the power of prayer and I am asking all my avid readers to please keep him in your prayers. He was diagnosed with cancer of the thymus and is having surgery next Wednesday. We are hoping for the best possible outcome - that the cancer is self contained and can be removed in its entirety. All the information on the web is not positive - but I DO believe that SOMEONE has to have a positive outcome, why not him?
As you can tell, I am very heavy hearted and I am asking for your help. My granddaughers deserve to have a healthy father.
When a crisis hits, it seems to put everything in life in perspective. What's a few extra pounds? What's a little mess from construction? What's the big problem with driving long distances to see family? None of this seems important anymore.
As you can tell, I am very heavy hearted and I am asking for your help. My granddaughers deserve to have a healthy father.
When a crisis hits, it seems to put everything in life in perspective. What's a few extra pounds? What's a little mess from construction? What's the big problem with driving long distances to see family? None of this seems important anymore.
Monday, April 02, 2007
But I digress...
I was going to give you an update on all the construction - but there is no need to talk about unpleasantness right before Our Lord rises from the dead. I am having Easter Sunday at the house (amidst the unfinished construction) - no one cares about the mess but me. I am looking forward to being home - feeding a crowd of people.
This past weekend disappeared right before my very eyes. Saturday morning we went to Ally's first soccer game - WHAT A HOOT!! This will be my agenda every Saturday for the next couple months - Soccer field at 8:30am - sleep is over rated, anyway!
After the soccer game, I had to drive to South Jersey for a cousin's bridal shower - 2 hours to get there, 2 1/2 to get back!! Sunday, I had to go to Staten Island for a Great Aunt's wake - 1 hour to get there, 1 1/2 to get back. This evening, after work, we are joining my sister-in-law's (Wendy) family at a Passover Seder in North Jersey - another 2 hour trip each way (at least Mr. Wonderful will be doing the driving for this trip).
Like I said, I am looking forward to a houseful of company next Sunday - NO DRIVING FOR ME!!
This past weekend disappeared right before my very eyes. Saturday morning we went to Ally's first soccer game - WHAT A HOOT!! This will be my agenda every Saturday for the next couple months - Soccer field at 8:30am - sleep is over rated, anyway!
After the soccer game, I had to drive to South Jersey for a cousin's bridal shower - 2 hours to get there, 2 1/2 to get back!! Sunday, I had to go to Staten Island for a Great Aunt's wake - 1 hour to get there, 1 1/2 to get back. This evening, after work, we are joining my sister-in-law's (Wendy) family at a Passover Seder in North Jersey - another 2 hour trip each way (at least Mr. Wonderful will be doing the driving for this trip).
Like I said, I am looking forward to a houseful of company next Sunday - NO DRIVING FOR ME!!
Saturday, March 17, 2007
They Did It!
Mr. Wonderful and offspring managed to pull off the surprise of the century! Three full months after my birthday, they had a wonderful party for me - Those kids are great actors!! Michelle flew in from North Carolina, Michael from Fort Lauderdale and Allison from the Florida Keys. The five of them have not been in the same place in nearly 2 years!! Honorable mention goes out to my favorite cousin and her family who made it from New Jersey! Thank you to all my relatives. Thank you to all my friends - old ones and new ones!
Although Mr. W. paid for it all (except the kids' airfare) - I have to say that Trish was the one who did all the work. She found the Hall, the DJ, the caricaturist, the special balloons, the cake, the favors, the invitations, made the sign-in board and the wonderful collage of our family spanning the years. Just for a moment, she was my favorite kid! Let us not forget that she was the one who made me a Guga - TWICE!

Although Mr. W. paid for it all (except the kids' airfare) - I have to say that Trish was the one who did all the work. She found the Hall, the DJ, the caricaturist, the special balloons, the cake, the favors, the invitations, made the sign-in board and the wonderful collage of our family spanning the years. Just for a moment, she was my favorite kid! Let us not forget that she was the one who made me a Guga - TWICE!
Tuesday, March 06, 2007
Fireplace - Part 2 - "There's always a story"
Well the contractor promised to have the chimney finished yesterday and he was almost right. The winds were blowing at 40 MPH and the scaffolding was wavering so much that they had to cease the "erection". Although, in their defense, I will say that it is roof height, and near completion. They all left with smiles, promising to be back in the morning - if not to finish the chimney, then to build the fireplace (inside).
Last night, Mr. W. spent 3 hours dismantling the baseboard heat so it will be properly encased in the base of the new fireplace. He vacuumed for another hour after that - Was he worried about what the contractors would think if they saw some dust in the livingroom !!#%^&*??
I just called home to hear of the progress and guess what? There's no one at the house!! The "master" brick layer had a personal emergency - so all work is ceased until further notice.
I'm taking bets on when this project will be finished... 2 pounds from now? 5 pounds from now? 10 pounds? (see earlier post referencing Weight Watchers)
...and the drama continues
Last night, Mr. W. spent 3 hours dismantling the baseboard heat so it will be properly encased in the base of the new fireplace. He vacuumed for another hour after that - Was he worried about what the contractors would think if they saw some dust in the livingroom !!#%^&*??
I just called home to hear of the progress and guess what? There's no one at the house!! The "master" brick layer had a personal emergency - so all work is ceased until further notice.
I'm taking bets on when this project will be finished... 2 pounds from now? 5 pounds from now? 10 pounds? (see earlier post referencing Weight Watchers)
...and the drama continues
Saturday, March 03, 2007
Fireplace - Part One A
I never thought I would bore you with the details of this project - but is has become a facinating adventure! They finally began the erection of my new chimney - (sounds erotic - doesn't look it!) - only to have all progress halted by the heavens opening up to release the most rain we have seen since Noah had to built an Ark!
Mr. Wonderful made we sure were securely wrapped in plastic - 4 layers, I think - just to keep out the elements. We are back to being the "low-class-white trash-neighbors!"
I am happy to say, the erection has resumed today. They are hoping to complete the firebox and the balance of the chimney before dark.
Mr. W. and I are venturing out to pick out new fireplace doors today - the actually firplace is being built during the week (note to reader - you ERECT a chimney, you BUILD a fireplace).
I do have confidence that this will be complete by next weekend - but then again, I had confidence that I would have lost the last of my pregnancy weight by now, too (the Baby will be 22 in June!).... Did I mention that I joined Weight Watcher's this week???
Mr. Wonderful made we sure were securely wrapped in plastic - 4 layers, I think - just to keep out the elements. We are back to being the "low-class-white trash-neighbors!"
I am happy to say, the erection has resumed today. They are hoping to complete the firebox and the balance of the chimney before dark.
Mr. W. and I are venturing out to pick out new fireplace doors today - the actually firplace is being built during the week (note to reader - you ERECT a chimney, you BUILD a fireplace).
I do have confidence that this will be complete by next weekend - but then again, I had confidence that I would have lost the last of my pregnancy weight by now, too (the Baby will be 22 in June!).... Did I mention that I joined Weight Watcher's this week???
Monday, February 26, 2007
Fireplace - part one continued
Just in case any of you were wondering - there has been nothing to report on the fireplace. My house remains a glorious site - with a double layer of plastic sheeting covering what was once a useful, romantic fireplace.
It seems they cannot start the project until the weather is consistently above 35 degrees.
I am choosing to look at the bright side - all of our existing firewood will be sufficiently "seasoned" for next year!!
It seems they cannot start the project until the weather is consistently above 35 degrees.
I am choosing to look at the bright side - all of our existing firewood will be sufficiently "seasoned" for next year!!
Thursday, February 22, 2007
I'm so blue...
I can't seem to shake the "blues". Kind friends have offered the Winter Season, the on-going construction, and even my age(!#!$@) as a possible source. I can't see the connection with any of the above.
I have a good life, a great husband, and a strong marriage. My kids are all healthy, independent, motivated , intelligent and loving. My grandchildren are a total joy in my life - like an unexpected blessing. I have a great home (that will be complete in time for us to sell and move off to a retirement village) - and a wonderful job. I have strong, loyal friendships (old and new) from every walk of life.
I was hoping that writing all this down would help me focus on the wonderful things in my life and help me shake the terrible blues that have haunted me for a couple weeks now. I am not suicidal - I am just BLAH, and I can hide it in a minute, if I have to - so I guess it is not clinical.
I am making a promise to myself - with you all as my witnesses - to take better care of myself physically. I need to eat healthier and start doing SOME form of exercise - I think that may help me climb out of this solitutde of bleakness. I will take baby steps - but I will make the effort to do a little each day...
Hey, thanks for listening... I am now accountable.
I have a good life, a great husband, and a strong marriage. My kids are all healthy, independent, motivated , intelligent and loving. My grandchildren are a total joy in my life - like an unexpected blessing. I have a great home (that will be complete in time for us to sell and move off to a retirement village) - and a wonderful job. I have strong, loyal friendships (old and new) from every walk of life.
I was hoping that writing all this down would help me focus on the wonderful things in my life and help me shake the terrible blues that have haunted me for a couple weeks now. I am not suicidal - I am just BLAH, and I can hide it in a minute, if I have to - so I guess it is not clinical.
I am making a promise to myself - with you all as my witnesses - to take better care of myself physically. I need to eat healthier and start doing SOME form of exercise - I think that may help me climb out of this solitutde of bleakness. I will take baby steps - but I will make the effort to do a little each day...
Hey, thanks for listening... I am now accountable.
Tuesday, February 20, 2007
One More Round
Well, Mr Wonderful is at it again. The contractors have been to the house - the work begins shortly. Our livingroom has (had) one whole wall (that contained our fireplace) that was brick from side to side, floor to ceiling. Personally, I thought it was nice - Mr. Wonderful disagreed.
They are ripping down the entire wall of brick - rebuilding the firebox, building a new fireplace, AND replacing the chimney THAT WAS NEVER "TIED IN" TO THE HOUSE. - So much for my fancy engineers who checked out the house prior to us purchasing it.
Can you even imagine the mess??? Mr. W. keeps telling me it will all be worth it - I'll let you know.
He realized how upset I was with this whole mess pending so, as a surprise, he had the hideous brass and glass railings and banisters replaced with beautiful oak railings with while spindles. I must admit, that made me smile - for a while anyway. I remember when jewelry used to make me smile....
I am choosing not to deal with this project (although we did agree on the new stone face for the fireplace) - it is all HIS baby. I will keep you posted.
They are ripping down the entire wall of brick - rebuilding the firebox, building a new fireplace, AND replacing the chimney THAT WAS NEVER "TIED IN" TO THE HOUSE. - So much for my fancy engineers who checked out the house prior to us purchasing it.
Can you even imagine the mess??? Mr. W. keeps telling me it will all be worth it - I'll let you know.
He realized how upset I was with this whole mess pending so, as a surprise, he had the hideous brass and glass railings and banisters replaced with beautiful oak railings with while spindles. I must admit, that made me smile - for a while anyway. I remember when jewelry used to make me smile....
I am choosing not to deal with this project (although we did agree on the new stone face for the fireplace) - it is all HIS baby. I will keep you posted.
Monday, February 12, 2007
Natural Highs
Natural Highs
Think about them one at a time before going on to the next one.
1.Falling in love.
2.Laughing so hard your face hurts.
3.A hot shower.
4.No lines at the supermarket.
5.A special glance.
6.Getting mail.
7.Taking a drive on a pretty road.
8.Hearing your favorite song on the radio.
9.Lying in bed listening to the rain outside.
10.Hot towels fresh out of the dryer.
11.Chocolate milkshake (vanilla or strawberry ).
12.A bubble bath.
14.A good conversation.
15.The beach.
16.Finding a 20 dollar bill in your coat from last winter.
17.Laughing at yourself.
18.Looking into their eyes and knowing they Love you
19.Midnight phone calls that last for hours.
20.Running through sprinklers.
21.Laughing for absolutely no reason at all.
22.Having someone tell you that you're beautiful.
23.Laughing at an inside joke with FRIENDS
24.Accidentally overhearing someone say something nice about you.
25.Waking up and realizing you still have a few hours left to sleep.
26.Your first kiss (the very first).
27.Making new friends or spending time with old ones.
28.Playing with a new puppy.
29.Having someone play with your hair.
30.Sweet dreams.
31.Hot chocolate.
32.Road trips with friends.
33.Swinging on swings.
34.Making eye contact with a cute stranger.
35.Making chocolate chip cookies.
36.Having your friends send you homemade cookies.
37.Holding hands with someone you care about.
38.Running into an old friend and realizing that some things (good or bad) never change.
39.Watching the expression on someone's face as they open a much desired present from you.
40.Watching the sunrise.
41.Getting out of bed every morning and being grateful for another beautiful day.
42.Knowing that somebody misses you.
43.Getting a hug from someone you care about deeply.
44.Knowing you've done the right thing, no matter what other people think.
Think about them one at a time before going on to the next one.
1.Falling in love.
2.Laughing so hard your face hurts.
3.A hot shower.
4.No lines at the supermarket.
5.A special glance.
6.Getting mail.
7.Taking a drive on a pretty road.
8.Hearing your favorite song on the radio.
9.Lying in bed listening to the rain outside.
10.Hot towels fresh out of the dryer.
11.Chocolate milkshake (vanilla or strawberry ).
12.A bubble bath.
14.A good conversation.
15.The beach.
16.Finding a 20 dollar bill in your coat from last winter.
17.Laughing at yourself.
18.Looking into their eyes and knowing they Love you
19.Midnight phone calls that last for hours.
20.Running through sprinklers.
21.Laughing for absolutely no reason at all.
22.Having someone tell you that you're beautiful.
23.Laughing at an inside joke with FRIENDS
24.Accidentally overhearing someone say something nice about you.
25.Waking up and realizing you still have a few hours left to sleep.
26.Your first kiss (the very first).
27.Making new friends or spending time with old ones.
28.Playing with a new puppy.
29.Having someone play with your hair.
30.Sweet dreams.
31.Hot chocolate.
32.Road trips with friends.
33.Swinging on swings.
34.Making eye contact with a cute stranger.
35.Making chocolate chip cookies.
36.Having your friends send you homemade cookies.
37.Holding hands with someone you care about.
38.Running into an old friend and realizing that some things (good or bad) never change.
39.Watching the expression on someone's face as they open a much desired present from you.
40.Watching the sunrise.
41.Getting out of bed every morning and being grateful for another beautiful day.
42.Knowing that somebody misses you.
43.Getting a hug from someone you care about deeply.
44.Knowing you've done the right thing, no matter what other people think.
Tuesday, February 06, 2007
The Bright Side
This has been an incredibly cold week - temperatures have been nearly 10 below with the wind chill factor. Normally I would complain and think that this is unbearable - HOWEVER - there has been no snow storm, hail storm, or ice storm. You can always put on more clothes, make another fire, or have an excuse to make another pot of homemade soup. Spring is less than 6 weeks away - we got off virtually unscathed this winter.
Personally, the cold weather has not been an annoyance to me and now that I am getting a little older I have come to realize that, like fine wine, I "keep" better in the cold. I haven't aged a bit in a week!
Personally, the cold weather has not been an annoyance to me and now that I am getting a little older I have come to realize that, like fine wine, I "keep" better in the cold. I haven't aged a bit in a week!
Friday, February 02, 2007
Unconditional Love
I am religious - not holy-roller religious, but I believe in God and I go to Church. I am the product of 12 years of Catholic School. There are things I believe and things I disagree with - I have a free will. This will not be a heated discussion.
Someone sent me an email this morning about God. It was quite long, but I took the time to read the whole thing. There was one powerful line that will stay with me for a long time and I thought it was too good not to share...
"I am thanking you, Father, for you haven't given up on me."
Kinda says it all, don't you think?
Someone sent me an email this morning about God. It was quite long, but I took the time to read the whole thing. There was one powerful line that will stay with me for a long time and I thought it was too good not to share...
"I am thanking you, Father, for you haven't given up on me."
Kinda says it all, don't you think?
Wednesday, January 31, 2007
Future Idol(?)
After work yesterday, I ventured over to my Granddaughter's dance class to watch the progression of her dance routines. I seriously don't think there is anything cuter than a group of 5yr. old girls standing in front of wall to wall mirrors practicing their tap and jazz routines. I was mesmerized just watching their tiny bodies move in sync with the music.
It was quite obvious that these kids had learned a lot more than how to move their feet. They learned how to wait their turn, how to applaud the work of others, how hard work and determination pays off.
I guess there really is more to this stuff than expensive shoes and outfits...
It was quite obvious that these kids had learned a lot more than how to move their feet. They learned how to wait their turn, how to applaud the work of others, how hard work and determination pays off.
I guess there really is more to this stuff than expensive shoes and outfits...
Friday, January 26, 2007
Vacation Photos
Monday, January 22, 2007
What a week!
This week promises lots of commotion, for a change. Allison and Annie are coming in from Florida tomorrow as it is Ally's 5th birthday - quite a milestone, wouldn't you agree? We will celebrate tomorrow by going out for Sushi, Ally's favorite restaurant meal. Wednesday night, the family (all that are in the area) will gather to sing to the first born grandchild and I will make a pasta dinner for all - Ally's favorite home cooked meal.
Thurdsay night, Allison is having a small (I hope) party at my house for her friends. Being that it is a work night for all who live here, I am hoping for a small, serene gathering (I can hope, can't I?).
Allison and Annie leave Friday afternoon and Friday evening, Trish and I are taking the birthday girl (a week long celebration) to the city to see The Lion King.
By the way, Saturday is my son, Michael's birthday - I think he'll be 24...
Still waiting for son #2 (Bobby) to download the vacation pictures - I will post some soon!!
Thurdsay night, Allison is having a small (I hope) party at my house for her friends. Being that it is a work night for all who live here, I am hoping for a small, serene gathering (I can hope, can't I?).
Allison and Annie leave Friday afternoon and Friday evening, Trish and I are taking the birthday girl (a week long celebration) to the city to see The Lion King.
By the way, Saturday is my son, Michael's birthday - I think he'll be 24...
Still waiting for son #2 (Bobby) to download the vacation pictures - I will post some soon!!
Wednesday, January 17, 2007
To all my friends in the Northeast, I apologize for this morning's frigid temperatures. As the saying goes, "Be careful what you wish for..."
Tuesday, January 16, 2007
Let it Snow!
I am not ungrateful or anything - BUT it is still 50 degrees and it's mid January. Santa had to deliver his gifts in short sleeves!! One of the main reasons I bought this house is because of the fireplace in the upstairs livingroom. Mr. Wonderful keeps telling me that it is TOO WARM for a fire! The weather man is promising a drop in temperature - I'm crossing my fingers for a warm and toasty fire!!
Monday, January 15, 2007
All Systems Go!
We have returned from our long overdue, week long vacation well rested and VERY tan. I thought it be difficult to relax while we were away, but I found that as soon as I left this environment, I eased into relaxation mode very quickly.
I savored everyday, not wanting to waste a moment. I ate, drank, laughed, slept, read, relaxed and spent quality time with wonderful people. I am hoping to make this an annual event. This was the first time Mr. Wonderful and I have spent a week away without kids since our honeymoon over 29 years ago!
This is the way to start a new year, a new decade. All batteries are charged!
I savored everyday, not wanting to waste a moment. I ate, drank, laughed, slept, read, relaxed and spent quality time with wonderful people. I am hoping to make this an annual event. This was the first time Mr. Wonderful and I have spent a week away without kids since our honeymoon over 29 years ago!
This is the way to start a new year, a new decade. All batteries are charged!
Thursday, January 04, 2007
Good-bye 40's
Today, I celebrate the last day of my 40's. Everyone seems to think I should be depressed - I don't get it. It is a privelege to age.
I will bid adieu to this decade of my life over a quiet dinner with Mr. Wonderful - as I have said good bye to all past decades.
Look out 50 - HERE I COME!!
I will bid adieu to this decade of my life over a quiet dinner with Mr. Wonderful - as I have said good bye to all past decades.
Look out 50 - HERE I COME!!
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